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按照公路路基填筑要求,对低液限粉土进行试验设计,通过分别控制压实度和初始含水量,对低液限粉土进行室内竖管毛细水上升高度试验,定性地分析了毛细水上升影响因素;重点分析了低液限粉性土毛细水上升高度随初始含水量及其压实度变化的特性,提出毛细水上升随时间分为3个阶段。当初始含水量大于9%时毛细水上升高度随初始含水量的增加而减小。在最佳含水量状态下随压实度的增加毛细水上升高度呈二次抛物线分布,强调了低液限粉性土作为路基填料时压实度应控制在90%以上,尽可能增加压实含水量,一般宜大于最佳含水量。 According to the requirements of highway subgrade filling, the experimental design of low liquid limit silt was carried out. By controlling the compaction degree and the initial water content separately, the capillary height rise of indoor vertical pipe was measured on low liquid limit silt. The capillary water And the influencing factors were analyzed. The characteristics of capillary water rise with the initial water content and compaction degree were analyzed emphatically. It was proposed that the capillary water rise with time is divided into three stages. When the initial water content is more than 9%, the capillary water rise height decreases with the increase of initial water content. Under the optimal water content, the compaction degree of capillary water shows a quadratic parabola distribution with the increase of compaction degree, which emphasizes that the compaction degree of low-liquid limit silt soil should be controlled above 90% Water content, the general should be greater than the best moisture content.
The mechanism by which the plant hormone auxin regulates gene expression has been shown to involve regulated degradation, through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathw
为了在分子水平上探讨绵羊的起源,对中国和蒙古共20个绵羊群体、314只绵羊mtDNA D-环的部分序列进行了测定.结果表明:中国绵羊和蒙古绵羊mtDNA D-环区的部分序列中A、T、G、C
By using assembled expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from 14 different cDNA libraries that contain 84 132 sequences reads, 556 Populus candidate single nucleotide
Polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000)-induced water deficit causes physiological as well as biochemical changes in plants. The present study reports on the results of
采用膜膜强化集成工艺,对混合型城市污水进行脱氮除磷效果试验研究.试验结果表明,COD、NH3-N、TN 及TP去除率分别达到80%、96%、60%及88%,系统平均出水COD为25mg/L,NH3-N、TN及TP
为探究水生植物滤床系统深度处理畜禽废水的效能,采用水蕹菜作为滤床植物,在不同水力负荷下处理养猪场废水的二级出水.试验于温室内进行,控制进水COD和NH4+-N 、TP的质量浓度
As the largest transposable element in the plant genome, retrotransposons are thought to be involved in citrus genetic instability and genome evolution, especia
目的 建立一种准确快速测定的血和尿中砷的原子荧光光谱方法.方法 使用微波消解仪对样品进行快速消解,消解后不赶酸,用20%氢氧化钠溶液中和剩余消解液,再采用氢化物还原-原子