
来源 :人民军医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yzyzyzy
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目的:调查了解基层部队士兵精索静脉曲张发病情况。方法:由男科或泌尿外科副主任医师对某部士兵900例进行病史询问和外生殖器检查。结果:本组士兵检出精索静脉曲张86例,其中Ⅰ级22例,占25.6%;Ⅱ级37例,占43.0%;Ⅲ级27例,占31.4%。军龄>1年组精索静脉曲张发生率显著高于军龄<1年组(P<0.05)。结论:部队士兵精索静脉曲张发病情况值得关注。 Objective: To investigate and understand the incidence of varicocele in soldiers of grassroots units. Methods: 900 cases of soldiers from a male or urological deputy chief physician were asked for medical history and external genital examination. Results: The group of soldiers detected 86 cases of varicocele, of which 22 cases of grade Ⅰ, accounting for 25.6%; Ⅱ grade 37 cases, accounting for 43.0%; Ⅲ grade 27 cases, accounting for 31.4%. The prevalence of varicocele in military age> 1 year was significantly higher than that in military age <1 year (P <0.05). Conclusion: The incidence of varicocele in soldiers in the army is worth noting.
研究了可在室温下工作,且具有Pt/LaF_3敏感膜的MIS型固态氧传感器,讨论了它的敏感机理,测试并分析了传感器的响应特性. The MIS solid oxygen sensor, which can be operate