Improved multi-pass fast correlation attacks with applications

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whisperings
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In this paper we propose two new algorithms for multi-pass fast correlation attacks on stream ciphers.The first algorithm aims at fast symbol-wise decoding in the circumstances that the noise is not very high and we have little resource for pre-computation.The second algorithm deals with the practical decoding problem in the high noise and limited keystream cases.The new algorithms are applicable to arbitrary form LFSR and compare favorably to the previously known algorithms in the scenarios under consideration.As applications,we demonstrate new key recovery attacks on one-level Bluetooth E0 and LILI-128,respectively.Given 2 37 -bit keystream and 2 28-byte memory,our attack against one-level E0 needs 2 35.1 operations.Given 2 24-bit keystream and 2 24.5 -byte memory,our attack on LILI-128 has time complexity 2 70.6 operations. In this paper we propose two new algorithms for multi-pass fast correlation attacks on stream ciphers. The first algorithm aims at fast symbol-wise decoding in the circumstances that the noise is not very high and we have little resource for pre-computation. second algorithm deals with the practical decoding problem in the high noise and limited keystream cases. the new algorithms are applicable to arbitrary form LFSR and compare favorably to the previously known algorithms in the scenarios under consideration. As applications, we demonstrate new key recovery attacks on one-level Bluetooth E0 and LILI-128, respectively.Given 2 37-bit keystream and 2 28-byte memory, our attack against one-level E0 needs 2 35.1 operations.Given 2 24-bit keystream and 2 24.5 -byte memory, our attack on LILI-128 has time complexity 2 70.6 operations.
1行业背景及用户介绍自2011年2月起,深圳广播电影电视集团(深圳广电集团)开始使用杜比数字+(Dolby Digital Plus)技术通过深圳的地面电视广播网络为其高清频道观众提供家庭影
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