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1998年西欧蜂窝系统新增用户近3700万,约为1997年的2倍,增长率为66%(1997年西欧蜂窝系统用户增加19774620户,增长率为56%;1996年增加12833231户,增长率为57%).至1999年1月初,西欧蜂窝系统用户总数已达91965327户,意大利、葡萄牙分别在绝对和相对增长数量上占据首位.同前几年一样,1998年西欧蜂窝市场的增长率也主要得益于GSM市场的增长,该系统共增加了34191841用户,其用户总数达到了75374683户.1998年西欧GSM用户的增长数占世界的一半以上,现在其用户总数已占世界的55%.据GSM协会统计,1998年全球GSM用户新增约6500万,总数达到1.35亿.国家市场(见表1):像往常一样,意大利在绝对增长数上仍保持首位.它的两个运营商在1998年用户数共增加了854万,占西欧增长总数的23.2%(1997年为27%),目前用户总数达到2030万.德国从1997年的第三位上升到1998年的第二位,增加了568万用户,占西欧增长总数的15.4%(1997年为12.7%).法国与德国互换了位置降为第三位,1998年增加用户536.78万户,占西欧增长总数的14.6%(1997年为14.1%),法国目前用户总数达1115.98万. In 1998, nearly 37 million new users of cellular systems in Western Europe were added, doubling the number of 1997s by 66% (19771920 for western European cellular system users, an increase of 56% in 1997; and 12,823,331 in 1996, an increase of 57%). By the beginning of January 1999, the total number of cellular users in Western Europe had reached 91965327, with Italy and Portugal taking the first place in terms of absolute and relative growth respectively. As in previous years, the growth rate of the Western European cellular market in 1998 Mainly thanks to the GSM market growth, the system increased a total of 34191841 users, the total number of users reached 75374683. In 1998 the growth of GSM users in Western Europe accounted for more than half of the world, and now its total number of users has accounted for 55% of the world. According to GSM Association statistics, about 65 million new GSM users were added globally in 1998 to 135 million in total. National Market (See Table 1): As usual, Italy still topped the absolute growth rate with two operators The total number of subscribers increased by 8.54 million in 1998, accounting for 23.2% of the total growth in Western Europe (27% in 1997), bringing the total number of subscribers to 20.3 million. Germany rose from third place in 1997 to second place in 1998, increasing 5.68 million users, accounting for 15.4 of the total increase in Western Europe % (1997: 12.7%). France and Germany swapped positions to third place. In 1998, 5.3678 million users were added, accounting for 14.6% of the total growth in Western Europe (14.1% in 1997). The total number of users in France up to now 11,159,800.
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1991~1994年,我们对26例大脑恶性胶质瘤病人采用超选择性动脉内注入卡氮芥化疗,效果满意。1 临床资料 本组病人均经手术及病理证实。年龄5~58岁。肿瘤位于大脑半球22例,丘脑区
目的:总结树突状细胞(dendritic cell,DC)联合细胞因子诱导的杀伤细胞(cytokine-induced killers,CIK)治疗原发性肺癌的临床疗效和护理体会。方法:对76名肺癌患者遵医嘱采用