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近视是学生常见病之一,对已确诊为真性近视的学生,矫治的方法是配戴合适的眼镜。眼镜的伪劣直接关系到学生的身心健康与学习效率。为了有效地保护广大消费者利益和身心健康,我们于1989年9月、12月对九江市二中及南昌市、鹰潭市部分眼镜行业的眼镜卫生质量进行调查。1 内容与方法1.1 对象:学生、眼镜店、眼镜厂、百货商场眼镜销售柜台、个体流动摊贩。1.2 内容: Myopia is one of the common diseases of students, has been diagnosed with true myopia of students, correction method is to wear appropriate glasses. Fake glasses directly related to the physical and mental health and learning efficiency of students. In order to effectively protect the interests of consumers and the physical and mental health, we conducted a survey on the hygiene quality of spectacles in some glasses industries in Erji Jiujiang City, Nanchang City, and Yingtan City in September and December 1989. 1 content and methods 1.1 objects: students, optical shops, optical factory, department store glasses sales counters, individual mobile vendors. 1.2 Content:
The Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway is instrumental in successful differentiation and proliferation of mammalian cells. It is therefore not surprising that the
本文为结膜囊高度挛缩,造成穹窿消失,眼窝凹陷的患者施行Beiens一smith结膜囊成形术16例。介绍了手术方法并讨论眼窝内各种置入材料的优缺点,分析了手术成功的因素。 This a
氯离子通道与农业害虫的抗药性发生有密切关联。本研究结合转录组测序及荧光定量PCR技术,鉴定和分析黄曲条跳甲Phyllotreta striolata(Fabricius)谷氨酸门控氯离子通道(GluCl
现将经 CT 扫描检查确诊与手术病理证实的鼻腔、鼻窦病变84例分析如下。资料与方法本组84例,男性62例,女性22例,年龄14~72岁,平均年龄48.7岁。主要临床症状为鼻阻78例,分泌物
Development and application of phage display technology and research progress of virus affinity peptide were summarized in the paper,and a preliminary outlook f
患者男,64岁.因发现右胸壁肿物逐渐长大3年余于2005年1月2日入院.胸部X线示右侧胸壁实性肿物,边界清楚;双肺未见异常.B超示肝囊肿;胆囊结石;双肾异常回声,不除外慢性肾疾病可能,右肾多发小囊肿.术中见肿物大小18 cm×14 cm×12 cm,质地硬,似有包膜,表面血管丰富。