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  Absrtact: the arrival of the information age has a great influence on the financial accounting work. The application of information technology in financial accounting can not only improve the working efficiency Rate, but also to a certain extent to ensure the accuracy of accounting. This paper focuses on the financial accounting work under the background of the information age, and explores the innovative management of financial accounting work in the new period.
  Key words: information age; financial accounting
  一. Problems in Financial Accounting in the Information Age
  (1) The authenticity of financial data is doubtful
  At present, because of the universal application of the Internet, e-commerce has become the mainstream of people's consumption because of its high efficiency and convenience. E-commerce refers to the existence of online trading activities based on the Internet. The buyer and seller belong to the relationship of business transactions in the process of trading, and the relationship will be automatically dissolved after the end of the transaction. E-commerce brings convenience to people, but also brings some difficulty to the development of financial accounting. For the financial accounting work of offline operation, the corresponding records will be formed in the economic activities of the enterprise, whether it is entry or exit, including the real-time update of commodity inventory information and sales information. Financial accountants only need to make final accounting and integration of these information. Under the business mode of electronic commerce, the information of exit and sale can be virtual and lose the authenticity of the original data, which also means that the financial accounting work has lost its own function. Under the background of e-commerce, how to give full play to the function of financial accounting has become the focus of each enterprise.(2) Low level of information
  Science and technology and economic level show a two-way development trend. The development of the two is carried out in accordance with the market-oriented principle. In the era of network economy, the technical level and management of financial accounting have been greatly improved. However, there are still many problems in the financial accounting information management system created within the enterprise, which erode the financial information, resulting in the low level of information management. At the same time, the relevant staff only through simple operations to complete accounting information management. This seriously leads to the low level of information management of financial accounting, which is not conducive to the development and progress of enterprises.   二. Innovative management of financial accounting in the information age
  (1) Strengthening the network management of accounting information and improving the quality of accounting information
  Under the background of the information age, the financial accounting information of the enterprise plays a vital role in the economic development of the enterprise. Only by ensuring the authenticity and accuracy of the financial accounting information can we provide an effective reference for the economic activities of the enterprise and provide data information support for the development decision of the enterprise. This requires that the financial accounting work of enterprises be in line with the times, introduce advanced information technology, and use the data processing function of information technology to improve the accounting level of enterprises. The effective application of information technology in financial accounting can not only improve the accuracy of financial accounting information accounting, but also improve the efficiency of financial accounting.  (2) Strengthening the construction of the financial accounting legal system and enhancing its enforcement
  The main reason why there are many problems in financial accounting work is that the managers of enterprises lack a certain understanding of the relevant laws of financial accounting, which leads to the accountants being too casual to carry out their work and not fully implementing it in accordance with relevant regulations. If an enterprise wants to obtain a healthy and stable development, it must formulate an accounting management system that is consistent with the development of the enterprise itself, and rely on the accounting work management system to restrain the behavior of the relevant personnel, so that it can actively perform its own post responsibilities. The establishment of the corresponding reward and punishment mechanism can not only enhance the enthusiasm of financial accountants, but also effectively implement the financial accounting work. In addition, it is necessary to enhance the financial accounting staff's understanding of financial accounting work. Only by recognizing the important influence of financial accounting work on the development of enterprises and the influence of their own value, accountants can actively participate in the work.
  IV. Conclusion
  Under the background of the information age, China's financial accounting work is facing the task of reform. Only by introducing new technology and constantly updating the management concept, can we quickly adapt to the development form of the new era, enhance the economic strength of enterprises, and maintain the position of enterprises in the market.References:
  [1] right sea dragon. A Way to Strengthen the Innovation of Financial Accounting Work in J]. Information Age Accounting study 2017(12).
摘要:在我国中小企业占据着十分重要的地位,其不仅仅能有效地解决我国的就业问题,同时也在以其灵活的经营方式来为社会创建经济价值和效益。本文就我国的中小企业的现状进行分析,就中小企业财务管理过程中的问题深入研究,并提出相应的解决办法,从而更好地促进中小企业的健康和谐的发展。  关键词:基于网络;中小企业;财务管理路径  前言:  在所有的企业中财务管理是其重要的组成部分,主要是根据财经法规制度来规范好
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摘要:经济全球化为我国带来了良好的发展机遇,因此对我国国民出行方式产生了极大的改影响,尤其是对民航事业的发展产生了更深一步的促进作用。随着发展的不断前进,产生了很多问题,同时又阻碍着我国民航事业的发展,比如管理制度人员配备等方面又存在着无法避免的问题。本文主要针对人为因素对于飞行安全的影响、空中管理人为因素解决方案及民航空管安全管理现存问题做出一定的从策略和解决方案。  关键词:民航空管;安全管理
摘要:档案管理工作在中心血站的日常工作中占据着重要地位,中心血站需要对采集来的血液进行准确,严谨的质量监控和记录,确保血源安全可靠。面对日益复杂和多样化档案记录资料,传统的处理方式已难以满足工作需求,依托计算机技术对中心血站档案管理进行信息化建设,为中心中心血站档案管理工作的开展提供了崭新的途径。本文就新形势下中心血站档案管理工作开展的新思路进行探究。  关键词:档案管理;中心血站;新形势;工作新
摘要:为贯彻落实“大众创业,万众创新”战略,充分发挥兰州大学的学科和科研优势,致力于产学研合作落地。文中,对包装铁匣生产线的自动化设计与建设进行了介绍,希望能为相关生产企业提供参考和借鉴。  关键词:电气自动化;包装铁匣生产线;升级改造  一、对技术创新需求涉及技术  节拍设计是自动化生产线设计的重要内容之一,整条生产线的节拍时间与组成生产线的各专机的节拍时间,尤其是与个别专机的节拍时间密切相关。
摘要:融媒体环境下少儿期刊为提升市场竞争力,势必需要提升品牌建设力度,来强化自身在受众群体中的形象。基于此,文中以少儿期刊品牌构建的现状及误区为分析基础,尝试解读融媒体背景下少儿期刊品牌如何构建、宣传、维护和拓展等。  关键词:融媒体;少儿期刊;品牌建设  在当前融媒体时代的大背景下,面对激烈的市场竞争,少儿期刊拟寻求产业化发展,就需要保障期刊自身品牌有独特的文化内涵、读者品味、时代特征等,用以区
摘要:“用二分法求方程的近似解”渗透了算法思想,同时体现了函数与方程之间的联系.作为新课改后新增加的内容,无论是新教师还是老教师在教学上都处于探索阶段,还没有形成一套成熟的教学理论.本文从教学过程中的数学情境的创设、教学流程、课堂提问、数学问题之间的联系以及数学问题之间的复杂性五个方面进行初步的比较研究,从而为教师教学提供一些参考意见.  关键词:二分法;方程近似解;函数;课例分析;教学启示  1
摘要:本文主要着眼于余华创作的初期即1986—1987的作品中的孩子形象进行研究分析。他们随意生、随意死,他们的命运如烟一般轻轻飘飘,虚无缥缈。作者选择孩子形象这一视角,即童年体验和孩子视角的结合更接近真实,更接近人的本性,更能反应作家的创作内涵。  关键词:余华创作初期;孩子形象  本文主要着眼于余华创作的初期即1986—1987的作品中的孩子形象进行研究分析。在这一阶段中的孩子命运是悲惨的,这