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由中国高校自然科学学报研究会主持的全国首届编务工作经验交流及学术讨论会于1990年4月1~9日在首都医学院召开。国家教委、国家科委、中国期刊编辑学会等有关单位领导到会祝贺。来自全国27个省(区)、市的170多名编辑编务人员参加了会议。会议就“编务”的概念,编务工作的性质、工作范围,编务人员的基本素质,编务工作的基本规律,编务工作的管理等进行了广泛的学术讨论;对有关编务工作的技术操作问题进行了经验交流,特约请有关专家、老编务工作者作了专题讲习;还对编务人员的职称、待遇问题进行了讨论,并已得到有关部门的重视。会议收到学术论文及经验材料40多篇,大会宣读20篇。我院学报编辑部张汉文同志参加了会议,宣读了论文《高校学报编务工作制度化管理初探》,论文获得广泛好评,这次会议是我国第一次编务工作会议。这次会议的召开,标志着我国对编务工作学术研究的开端,标志着我国已重新认识编务人员地位和作用。 The exchange of experiences and seminars on the first national editing work conducted by the Research Association of Natural Science Journals of Universities in China was held in Capital Medical College from April 1 to 9, 1990. The State Education Commission, the State Science and Technology Commission, China Journal Editing Society and other relevant units leaders will be congratulated. More than 170 editorial staff from 27 provinces (districts) and cities of the country attended the meeting. The conference held a wide range of academic discussions on the concept of “compilation work”, the nature of the compilation work, the scope of work, the basic qualities of compiling staff, the basic rules of compilation work and the management of compilation work; Of the technical operation of the issue of exchange of experience, special invited the experts, the old editor of the workshop made a special seminar; also editing staff titles, treatment issues were discussed and has received the attention of relevant departments. Meeting received more than 40 academic papers and empirical materials, the General Assembly read 20 articles. Comrade Zhang Hanwen, editorial department of our college, attended the conference and read out the essay “A Preliminary Study on the Institutional Management of University Journal Compilation Work”. The dissertation was widely praised. This conference was the first meeting of editing work in our country. The convening of this meeting marked the beginning of our country’s academic research on compilation work, which marked our country’s re-recognition of the status and role of staffing staff.
河北省学报研究会常务理事会经过总结经验,认真研究,确定研究会一九九○年的工作要点如下: 一、学报科研。学报研究会申报的“学报编辑学研究”这一课题已列入了河北省教委
为推进“文明交通行动计划”的实施,提高广大人民群众的交通安全意识,江西省吉安县交警大队经多方努力,组建了一支“夕阳红”道路交通安全宣讲团。宣讲团成员全部为退休老 I