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中国文学史在表现手法上是有抒情传统和叙事传统,抒情传统的表现手法在中国的文学史上得到了相对充分的阐述,同时得到了国内外研究人员的认可。但是叙事传统的表现手法还没有受到人们足够的重视,对其的论证也不是很充分,其实这两个传统是存在着相扶相益、共生互补的关系的,以往的认为中国文学史只有抒情传统的思想是不利于对中国文学史的研究。因此在研究中国文学史时不能够只是单单是从抒情的视角上出发,还要结合叙事传统,这样不仅扩大了研究的范围,增加了文学史的资料库,还重新的认识到了中国文学史,进而促进了对中国文学史的研究。 Chinese literary history has lyrical traditions and narrative traditions in terms of expression techniques. The performance of lyrical traditions has been relatively well described in the history of Chinese literature, and has been endorsed by researchers both at home and abroad. However, the performance of the narrative tradition has not been paid enough attention by the people, and its argument is not very adequate. In fact, these two traditions exist in the relationship of mutual benefit and symbiosis. In the past, the history of Chinese literature was only lyrical The traditional thinking is not conducive to the study of the history of Chinese literature. Therefore, when studying the history of Chinese literature, we should not just proceed from the perspective of lyricism, but also combine the narrative tradition. This not only expands the scope of the study, increases the database of literary history, but also re-recognizes the history of Chinese literature, Thus promoting the study of the history of Chinese literature.
最后一个出口。  最后一个出口了。  二环高架,像呼啦圈,将蓉城身子拦腰一箍。子曰继续行驶,他想要的,其实很简单——从一个出口下去,能找个人随便聊聊就行。  昨晚,下了点小雨,空气就湿润得很。天空大朵的云,像湖面的睡莲,东一朵,西一朵,轻盈地贴在水面上。那水面呢,清澈得只剩下了一汪蓝。  这样的天气,当然得有音乐。音乐并不大,在车内环绕,嘤嘤嗡嗡的。新崭崭的保时捷,甲醛味还浓。子曰把天窗打开,风就
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鹰击长空,鱼翔浅底,驼走大漠……生命在各自的位置上表现其存在的形式,对称着大自然的美丽,作为茫茫宇宙的一员,人也 The eagle strikes the sky, the fish flies at shallo
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那一抹浓浓的绿,是樟树的容颜。漫步乐乡城区,樟树的身影随处可见:大道旁、小巷中、店铺前、院落里……丛丛樟树织成一片繁 The thick green is the face of the banyan tre
【作文题目】阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。有个人一直想成功,为此,他做过种种尝试,但到头来,都以失败告终。他非常苦恼,就跑去问他 [Topic of the composition] Read the
本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分,答题时间150分钟。第Ⅰ卷(选择题共30分)一、(12分,每小题3分) This paper is divided into two parts: Volume
佛问蜘蛛:“世间最珍贵的是什么?”答曰:“世间最珍贵的,不是已‘失去’和‘未得到’,而是把握住现在。”——《千年蜘蛛》 The Buddha asked the spider: “What is the mo