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油画,是世界上最有影响的艺术、有着自身独特的魅力。而这种魅力是从底层制作开始的。优质底层会带给你自信、动力和灵感。因此,对这种技术的研究历来受到油画创作者的高度重视。十六世纪佛兰德斯著名画家凡·戴克就曾说过:“涂底极其重要”。画家们之所以重视,是因为它直接影响着油画的绘制过程、效果和作品的保存与修复,是奠基型的工程。现在,国内外的大部分画家都力求自己制作油画底层,以求了解和把握其性能,并在油画的绘制过程中充分发挥自己的技法和特点,从而达到预期的画面效果。 Oil painting, is the most influential art in the world, has its own unique charm. And this charm is from the bottom of the production began. High quality ground floor will bring you confidence, motivation and inspiration. Therefore, the research of this kind of technology has always been highly valued by oil painting creators. Van Dyck, a famous Florentine painter of the 16th century, once said: “Priming is extremely important.” The reason why painters attach importance to it is that it directly affects the drawing process, the effect and the preservation and restoration of works. It is the foundation-type project. Nowadays, most painters at home and abroad are trying their best to create the bottom layer of oil paintings in order to understand and grasp their performance, and give full play to their techniques and characteristics in the process of oil painting so as to achieve the expected image effects.
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一、适贮条件及贮前准备冬瓜喜温耐热,属冷敏性蔬菜,不耐低温贮藏,低于10℃往往会发生冷害。贮藏适宜温度为10℃~15℃,相对湿度为70%一75%,要求通风良好。 First, the stor