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以分布于新疆天山天池的二倍体棱叶蒜(Allium caeruleum)为研究对象,观察记录了开花进程,测定其花粉活力和柱头可授性,并采用去雄、套袋、人工授粉等方法对其交配系统进行检测。结果表明:(1)伞形花序平均直径为(29.07±1.17)mm,花被片天蓝色,花期6—8月;两性花,平均小花数205.67±19.88个,密集,无株芽;小花开放历经弹头、张口、吐药、展开、抱合和萎蔫等过程,历时5~7 d;小花开放进程中花药和柱头间存在空间隔离,从第1枚花药伸出至6枚花药全部脱落以及柱头伸长至萎蔫各需要2~3 d;阴天比晴天分别延长散粉以及延迟柱头萎蔫0.5~1 d。棱叶蒜具有雄蕊先熟、雌雄异熟、雌雄异位以及吸引昆虫避免自交的花部特征。(2)花药开裂散粉4 h时花粉活力最强(79.23%±1.97%的花粉具有活力),36 h后降至很低,属于短寿命花粉。(3)联苯胺—过氧化氢和MTT法检测柱头可授性;花丝、花柱等长期部分柱头开始具有可授性,花丝、花柱合拢期至花丝萎蔫期柱头可授性最强。同一朵花雄蕊和雌蕊的可育期存在部分时间重叠,防止了杂交失败。(4)单花花粉量为31 275±3 651,胚珠数6,P/O值为5 212±608;杂交指数OCI为5;无自发的自花传粉现象,不存在风媒传粉和无融合生殖;倾向于异交为主、自交可育,具备兼性异交并需要传粉媒介的混合交配系统的特征。天山天池二倍体棱叶蒜还以种子休眠、鳞芽无性繁殖的生殖补偿方式保证特殊地理环境下的种群繁衍。 The species of Allium caeruleum distributed in Tianchi of Xinjiang Tianshan Mountain were studied and the flowering process was observed and recorded. The pollen viability and stigma receptivity were measured. The methods of removing male, bagging and artificial pollination Its mating system is tested. The results showed as follows: (1) The average diameter of umbels was (29.07 ± 1.17) mm, the tepals were sky blue and florescence was from June to August. The flowers were 205.67 ± 19.88 on average, After 5 to 7 days, the processes of warhead, mouth opening, spitting, unfolding, cohesion and wilting lasted 5 ~ 7 days. There was spatial separation between anthers and stigma during the process of flower opening. All anthers and stigma were extended from the first anther to stigma As long as wilt each need 2 ~ 3 d; cloudy than the sunny days were extended loose powder and delayed stigma wilting 0.5 ~ 1 d. Ribes garlic with stamen first cooked, dioecious, dioecious and attract insects to avoid self-fertility characteristics of the Department of flowers. (2) The pollen vitality was the strongest at 4 h (79.23% ± 1.97% of the pollen was viable) after anther splitting loose powder, and it dropped to very low level after 36 h, which belonged to short-lived pollen. (3) benzidine-hydrogen peroxide and MTT assay stigma receptivity; filaments, styles and other long-term part of stigma began to be receptive, filaments, styles close to stigma stigma stigma receptive strongest. The same flower stamens and pistils fertile period there is a partial overlap in time to prevent the failure of hybridization. (4) Single flower pollen quantity was 31 275 ± 3 651, number of ovules was 6, P / O value was 5 212 ± 608; hybridization index OCI was 5; there was no spontaneous self-pollination, there was no wind pollination and no fusion Reproductive; characterized by heterogamy, self-fertility, mixed mating system with facultative crossover and requiring pollinators. Tianshan Tianchi diploid ribbed garlic also seed dormancy, scale bud reproductive compensation for asexual reproduction to ensure population growth under special geographical environment.
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