
来源 :Journal of Resources and Ecology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:amy23683
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稀土元素(REEs)已经成为现代社会新技术和绿色创新应用不可缺少的重要原料。长期以来,中国在世界稀土市场上占据着主导地位,但其仍然面临一系列的国际贸易争端和不断变化的市场环境挑战。面对各种严峻的形势,中国政府一直采取各种产业重组和规制改革的措施,旨在促进稀土产业健康发展。本文系统整理和分析了稀土产业发展及其改革政策的相关文献,结合相关宏观数据分析,探讨了中国稀土产业现状、产业重组的进展及稀土产业存在的主要问题,论述了稀土政策从“放开生产和开放供应”到“限制低质量开发,鼓励高质量稀土出口”再到“整合稀土资源贸易”的演变历程,对出口配额、出口关税、环境法、资源利用技术、行业整合、资源储备等六种关键政策进行了具体分析。在此基础上,提出了针对中国小型稀土矿治理的政策建议,包括:继续保持打击稀土非法开采的高压势态、加快组建大型稀土企业集团、加强重点环节管理、支持技术创新和应用产业发展、完善相关法律法规等。同时,也提出了完善矿产资源法修订的有关建议,包括:提高稀土行业准入门槛、抑制低端产能过剩、严格稀土企业的环保核查、严格遵循“三率”最低指标要求,合理开发利用稀土资源。上述建议可为促进中国稀土行业可持续性发展提供借鉴与参考。 REEs have become indispensable important raw materials for new technologies and green innovation in modern society. For a long time, China has dominated the rare earth market in the world, but it still faces a series of international trade disputes and challenges in the ever-changing market environment. Faced with various harsh situations, the Chinese government has been taking various measures to restructure industries and regulate reforms aimed at promoting the healthy development of rare earth industry. This article systematically analyzes and analyzes the literature about the development of rare earth industry and its reform policy, and discusses the status quo of China’s rare earth industry, the progress of industrial restructuring and the main problems existing in the rare earth industry by combining the relevant macro data analysis, discusses the rare earth policy from Open production and open supply “to” limit the development of low quality, encourage the export of high-quality rare earth “and then” the integration of rare earth resources trade, “the evolution of export quotas, export tariffs, environmental law, resource utilization technology, Industry consolidation, resource reserve and other six key policies were analyzed in detail. On this basis, the paper puts forward some policy recommendations for the treatment of small rare earth mines in China, including: continuing to maintain the high pressure against illegal exploitation of rare earths, speeding up the formation of large-scale rare earth enterprise groups, strengthening key links management, supporting technological innovation and developing applied industries, Related laws and regulations. At the same time, it also put forward some proposals on improving the mineral resources law, including: raising the access threshold for rare earth industry, restraining the low-end excess capacity, strictly checking the environmental protection of rare earth enterprises, strictly following the minimum requirement of ”three rates" and developing rationally Use of rare earth resources. The above suggestions can provide reference and reference for promoting the sustainable development of rare earth industry in China.
在庭审话语这样一种特殊的机构中,修正是普遍而广泛存在的现象。本文以7场真实的法庭庭审的录音稿为根据,探讨合作程度下的法庭庭审话语修正的具体类型和特点。 In a specia
“马克思主义与当代社会思潮”系华中科技大学开设的文科博士生公共政治理论课程。该课程对于深刻认识和理解马克思主义的当代发展 ,正确分析和把握当代社会各种思潮 ,扩大知
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