Error detection based on MB types

来源 :Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:czwhczwh75
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This paper proposes a method of error detection based on macroblock (MB) types for video transmission. For decoded inter MBs, the absolute values of received residues are accumulated. At the same time, the intra textural complexity of the current MB is estimated by that of the motion compensated reference block. We compare the inter residue with the intra textural complexity. If the inter residue is larger than the intra textural complexity by a predefined threshold, the MB is con- sidered to be erroneous and errors are concealed. For decoded intra MBs, the connective smoothness of the current MB with neighboring MBs is tested to find erroneous MBs. Simulation results show that the new method can remove those seriously-corrupted MBs efficiently. Combined with error concealment, the new method improves the recovered quality at the decoder by about 0.5―1 dB. This paper proposes a method of error detection based on macroblock (MB) types for video transmission. For decoded inter MBs, the absolute values ​​of received residues are accumulated. At the same time, the intratextural complexity of the current MB is estimated by that of the motion compensated reference block. We compare the inter residue with the intratextural complexity. If the inter residue with the intratextural complexity The results for that connective smoothness of the current MB with neighboring MBs are tested to find erroneous MBs. Simulation results show that the new method can remove those seriously-corrupted MBs efficiently. Combined with error concealment, the new method improves the recovered quality at the decoder by about 0.5-1 dB.
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