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雨花石旧称玛瑙石,古人将之与琉璃、水晶等并列为“七宝”。该石质地坚硬,是由石英、玉髓和蛋白石构成的珍贵宝石。雨花石表面光滑剔透,因其绚丽多彩,千姿百态,被誉为石中皇后、天赐国宝。雨花石有着悠久的历史,古今许多文人雅士不但有为雨花石题名的,为其赋诗作画者也不乏其人,在主产地南京还流传着很多有关雨花石的神话故事和民间传说。雨花石天然成趣,晶莹剔透之中所呈现的纹理、图案、色彩等,非但人力所不能,也为人的想像所不及,这就是它的可贵之处。在我国的工艺品中,有不少以雨花石为原料加工制成的戒指、耳坠、扇坠上的嵌花、项链上的鸡心、胸佩等首饰配件,还有做成海狮顶球、年年有鱼等图案的,这些工艺品以其原料的珍贵和造型的秀美典雅而畅销国内外。 Stone known as agate stone, the ancients will be with glass, crystal and tied as “Qibao.” The stone is hard and is made of precious stones made of quartz, chalcedony and opal. The surface of the stone is smooth and clear, because of its colorful and varied, known as the Queen of Stone, Goddess of Excellence. The stone has a long history. Many ancient and modern literati not only have the title of “Yuhua Stone”, but also write many poems for them. There are also many myths and folklore about the stone in the main producing area of ​​Nanjing. Natural stone flowers, crystal clear presented in the texture, pattern, color, etc., not only manpower can not, but also for people’s imagination, and this is its precious place. Among the handicrafts in our country, there are many jewelry, such as rings, earrings, fan-in inserts, necklace, And other patterns, these crafts with its precious raw materials and modeling of the elegant and elegant and popular at home and abroad.