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马克思文艺批评方法是基于文艺“自转”律与“公转”律的对立统一基础上的辩证批评,是你中有我,我中有你的辩证统一,也是审美批评与历史批评的辩证统一。认识到这点,也就领略到马克思文艺批评方法的实质。当前西方马克思主义文论者界定马克思文艺批评方法为“社会历史”批评。这种界定从表面上来看似乎是合情合理的,从马克思本人的文艺批评理论论述中,的确有重视社会与历史成分因素在。但细细分析其文艺批评理论,不难发现这只是表层的、肤浅的认 The method of Marx’s literary and art criticism is based on the dialectical criticism based on the unity of opposites of law of “rotation” and “law of revolution”, and you have me, you have dialectical unity in you, and also aesthetic criticism and historical criticism Dialectical unity. In recognition of this point, we also have a taste of the essence of Marx’s literary criticism. At present, Western Marxist literary critics define Marx’s method of literary criticism as criticism of “social history.” This kind of definition seems to be reasonable on the surface. From Marx’s own theory of literary criticism, there are indeed factors that attach importance to social and historical elements. However, a careful analysis of its theory of literary criticism is not hard to find out that this is only superficial and superficial recognition
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有史以来第一张舒伯特艺术歌曲的唱片录于一百零三年前。那是1898年10月11日,在英国伦敦著名的梅登巷31号(英国留声机公司当时的总部),女中音艾迪斯·克莱格(Edith Clegg)对
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在手风琴独奏曲《弹起我心爱的土琵琶》中 ,包含连奏、刮奏、轮指等演奏技巧 ,只有正确理解、合理运用其演奏技巧及独特的表现手法 ,才能准确表达作品的思想情感。 In accor