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档案规律是档案和档案事业的发展趋势,以及它们内外之间的本质联系。研究档案规律是档案学的一项重要任务,研究的目的是为了按照客观规律科学管理和开发利用档案,使档案更好地为人们社会实践服务,使档案事业得到健康发展,也使档案学理论得到充实和提高。档案规律主要有档案增长规律、档案机密递减规律、档案价值发展变化规律,以及档案事业内外平衡发展规律等。本文试图对某些规律作一粗浅的探讨。 一、档案增长规律 档案增长规律是同人们的社会实践活动联系在一起的,人们的社会实践活动是持续不断的,所以档案的增长是绝对的。档案增长规律可以归结为以下两条: (一)档案总量绝对增长规律。社会档案总数量是随着时间推移而增长的,尽管有些档案会因老化而消失,但在正常情况下,其增长总趋势是同时间的推移呈“正变”关系的,可以用数学公式表示为y∞t_((年)),即社会档案总量“y”随时间“t_((年))”的推移而联变。若用“R”为比例常数,则可获等式为y=Rt_((年))。所谓“比例常数”,实质上是“年增长数”,可用“追溯法”或“预测法”求得。例如,某 The law of archives is the development trend of the archives and archives undertakings, as well as the essential connection between them and beyond. The study of archival law is an important task of archival science. The purpose of the study is to scientifically manage and exploit the archives in accordance with the objective laws so that the archives serve the people’s social practice better, the archives cause a healthy development, and the theory of archival science Get enriched and improved. The rules of archives mainly include the law of file growth, the law of decreasing secrets of files, the law of the development and change of file values, and the law of balanced internal and external development of archives. This article attempts to make some superficial discussions on certain laws. First, the law of archival growth Archives of the law of growth is linked with people’s social practice activities, people’s social practice is continuous, so the growth of archives is absolute. File growth law can be attributed to the following two: (A) the absolute growth of the total file law. The total number of social files has increased over time. Although some of the files will disappear due to aging, under normal circumstances their general trend of growth is “positive” in relation to the passage of time and can be expressed mathematically As y ∞ t _ ((years)), that is, the total amount of social files “y” with the passage of time “t _ ((years))”. If “R” is a proportional constant, then the equation is y = Rt _ ((year)). The so-called “proportional constants” are essentially “annual growth rates” and can be obtained from the “retrospective” or “forecasting” method. For example, a