全国邮局征订 2015年度新文学史料[季刊]

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邮发代号18-162《新文学史料》创刊于1978年,以发表“五四”以来我国作家的回忆录、传记为主,同时刊登这个时期的文学论争、文艺思潮、文艺团体、文学流派、文学刊物、作家、作品等专题资料,刊登有关的调查、访问、研究、考证文章及不易见到的材料和文物图片等。《新文学史料》具有极高的史料参考价值,是一部反映现、当代文学历史和现状,集学术性、资料性、研究性为一体的史料性刊物,是海内外文学研究工作者十分重视、 Postal Code 18-162 “Historical Literatures of New Literature” was first published in 1978, published mainly in the memoirs and biographies of writers in our country since the May 4th Movement of the People’s Republic of China. At the same time, it also published literary controversies, literature and art trends, literary and art groups, literary genres , Literary publications, writers, works and other special materials, publish relevant surveys, interviews, research, research articles and hard-to-see materials and cultural relics pictures. The historical data of New Literature has a very high historical reference value. It is a historical publication that reflects the history and current situation of modern and contemporary literature. It is a collection of academic, informative and research-oriented materials. It is the focus of literary and art workers both at home and abroad ,
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