曾被交通部授予全国“文明车站”的湖北竹汉川县 客运总公司,为促进公路客运市场的有序竞争,从1994年9月起,将所属客运站对个体客车开放。该公司通过强化服务功能,完善竞争机制,使原来混沌的客运市场渐渐走向有序。
The Hubei Chuanhanchuan County Passenger Transport Corporation, which was once awarded the “Civilized Railway Station” by the Ministry of Communications, has promoted its passenger terminal to individual passenger buses since September 1994 in order to promote orderly competition in the road passenger transport market. The company gradually made the chaotic passenger transportation market more and more orderly by strengthening service functions and perfecting competition mechanisms.