英雄本色 中国20名地产商抗震救灾爱心榜

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截至5月27日12时),汶川8.0级地震已造成67183人遇难,361822人受伤,失踪20790人。在这悲痛的时刻,被公众赋予殊荣的中国企业家们,正以身体力行的果敢担当为我们树立榜样。本刊遴选了来自中国地产业最具影响力的20位企业家,对汶川大地震的慈善之举。在他们中,既有华人首富李嘉诚,也有最受地产价格变动影响的富豪李兆基;既有曾经多年的行业老大王石,也有亚洲第一商城操盘手的黄如论……让我们向这些在危难关头挺身而出的企业家们致以崇高的敬意。他们因在商业社会坚守人类追求的精神准则而被时代记住。 As at 12:00 on May 27), Wenchuan 8.0 earthquake has caused 67,183 people were killed, 361,822 were injured, missing 20790 people. At this sad moment, the Chinese entrepreneurs who have been given the honors by the public are setting an example for us by acting daringly. The magazine selected from China’s real estate industry’s most influential 20 entrepreneurs, the charity of the Wenchuan earthquake. Among them, there are both the richest man Li Ka-shing, the Chinese richest man, and the wealthiest Lee Shau-kee, the most influential real estate manager in Hong Kong. Wang Shiru, who has been a leader of many years in the industry, and Huang Ru-lun, the first trader in Asia, The entrepreneurs pay their highest respects. They have been remembered by the times for their adherence to the spiritual norms pursued by mankind in the commercial world.
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