
来源 :中国实用医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leiweiwei42
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人工流产负压吸引术适用于妊娠10周以内者,在手术过程中由于医务人员手术技巧及经验欠缺,易导致相关并发症发生,如出血、残留、宫颈及宫腔粘连、穿孔等,给患者造成不必要的物质及精神损失,同时也给医务工作者带来不必要的医疗纠纷。因此,就人工流产术(简称人流术)中相应手术技巧总结如下,以与广大同行探讨。1极度前倾、前屈子宫或极度后倾后屈子宫由于子宫形态严重变异内诊时易将宫颈部分误以为是 Abdominal vacuum aspiration is suitable for pregnant women within 10 weeks of pregnancy, due to medical staff surgical skills and lack of experience during surgery, easily lead to complications such as bleeding, residual, cervical and uterine adhesions, perforation, etc., to patients Resulting in unnecessary material and spiritual losses, but also to medical workers unnecessary medical disputes. Therefore, the artificial abortion (referred to as abortion) corresponding surgical skills summarized below, to discuss with the majority of peers. 1 extreme lean forward, flexion or extreme backward incontinence after uterine deformation due to severe changes in the shape of the cervix easily mistaken for the part of the cervix is
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