The small Dominican Republic, with a population of less than two million, now has the same share of the United Nations as the United Nations, compared with the People’s Republic of China, where the United States has decidedly overcame it, Much bigger. Dominica, a small country in Latin America, is located on the island of Haiti in the West Indies, and Haiti, another small country, shares the island. Its area is about 50,000 square kilometers, which is less than one-third of that of our country’s Shanxi Province. Compared with Xinjiang Province, where China? (?) Is, Xinjiang Province is equivalent to 36 and a half Dominica. However, for the twenty countries in Latin America. She is still far bigger than Haiti and El Salvador. The Dominican Republic has a total population of about two million, but two million in Latin America are considered relatively large: the six countries such as El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and Paraguay have fewer people than Dominica. Dominicans, the colony of the United States, was originally a colony of Spain and gained independence only in 1864, but immediately gave the grip of the clutches of the U.S. aggressors. The United States aggression against Dominica imposed everything from investment and loans to the control of finance to military occupation,