,Comparative analysis of metabolic network of pathogens

来源 :生物学前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hquyuer
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BACKGROUND:Metabolic networks are complex and system of highly connected chemical reactions and hence it needs a system level computational approach to identify the genotype-phenotype relationship.The study of essential genes and reactions and synthetic lethality of genes and reactions plays a crucial role in explaining functional links between genes and gene function predictions.METHODS:Flux balance analysis (FBA) has been developed as a powerful method for the in silico analyses of metabolic networks.In this study,we present the comparative analysis of the genomic scale metabolic networks of the four microorganisms i.e.Salmonella typhimurium,Mycobacterium tuberculosis,Staphylococcus aureus,and Helicobacter pylori.The fluxes of all reaction were obtained and the growth rate of the organism was calculated by setting the biomass reaction as the objective function.RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS:The average lethality fraction of all the four organisms studied ranged from 0.2 to 0.6.It was also observed that there are very few metabolites which are highly connected.Those metabolites that are highly connected are supposed to be the ‘global players’ similar to the hub protein in the protein-protein interaction network.
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棉花是我国重要的经济作物,其纤维是重要的工业原料。在我国的主要产棉区,棉花生殖发育阶段时常有持续高温天气的出现。棉花的雄性生殖器官对高温相对敏感,持续高温天气会造成棉花的雄性败育。棉花花药不开裂是雄性败育的表型之一,而生长素在调控花药开裂方面起着重要作用;PIF4(phytochrome interacting factor 4)是调控生长素途径的关键转录因子,同时课题组前期的研究表明GhPIF4