水插繁殖是花卉的一种无性繁殖方法,它操作简便、成苗率高。适宜水插繁殖的花卉很多,例如月季、桅子、倒挂金钟、秋海棠、茉莉、扶桑、一品红等。此种方法可以避免插穗腐烂,比土插成苗率高。1 用具 广口瓶或罐头瓶一个,泡沫塑料一块(厚度1~2cm)。2 插穗的选择 要选择无病株、节间短、粗壮、半木质化的(一年生)枝条,长度8~10cm,3~4节;剪除下部叶子,上部留两片小叶(或将叶剪半),基部节下削成平滑斜面。
Water plug propagation is a vegetative propagation of flowers, it is easy to operate, high rate of seedling. Water suitable for breeding a lot of flowers, such as rose, gardenia, fuchsia, begonia, jasmine, hibiscus, poinsettia and so on. This method can avoid decayed cuttings, inserted into the soil than the high rate. 1 appliance jars or canned bottles, a piece of foam (thickness 1 ~ 2cm). 2 cuttings to choose disease-free plants, internodes short, thick, semi-lignified (annual) branches, length 8 ~ 10cm, 3 to 4; cut off the lower leaves, the upper leaves two leaflets ), Base section cut down into a smooth slope.