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风,凛冽地吹着,带着砭骨的寒意,向四周肆虐侵袭。暮色下的天空仿佛一张巨大的黑布,无情地控制着整个天地。透过窗,手电微弱的灯光怯生生地露出个头来,一位瘦弱的女孩在书桌前,挥舞着手中的笔,一刻不停的奋斗着。我瞥了一眼桌上的作业,叹了一口气。现临近考试,各科老师都加大马力,作业如同机关枪里的子弹,“突突突”几下,全都准确无误的向我们射来,而我们只能默默的承受。写着写着,眼前的字迹越来越模糊,稳定的灯光也渐渐变得飘忽不定…… The wind blew swiftly, with chilly cheekbones, raging and attacking around. The sky under the twilight is like a huge black cloth, relentlessly controlling the entire world. Through the window, the faint flashlight of the flashlight glowed to the ground. A thin girl waving a pen in front of her desk struggled for a moment. I glanced at the table and sighed. Now that the examinations are approaching, all teachers in the various departments have increased their horsepower. The operations are like bullets in the machine guns, and a few “undershots” are all accurately directed at us, and we can only silently bear them. Writing is written, the writings in front of him are getting more and more blurred, and the steady light gradually becomes erratic...
过于圆滑的人,会被别人贴上圆形的印象标签;凡事讲规矩的人,会被别人贴上四边形的方正标签……做个测试,看看别人眼中的你是什么形象吧。  1.如果两个朋友各自在你面前指责对方,你会随他们的意思,表现出对另一方的不满吗?  是的→2题 不是→7题  2.你觉得自己是藏不住心事的人吗?  是的→8题 不是→3题  3.在别人眼中,你的谈话艺术非常高超吗?  是的→4题 不是→9题  4.一般情况下,跟别人
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