
来源 :天然气地球科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dodosparkle
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昆北断阶带是新生代以来形成的南倾北冲的斜坡带,其构造格局具有南北分带、东西分段、上下分层的特征,受此影响,昆北断阶带局部构造部位的油气聚集成藏差异性较大。油气勘探通常以区域范围内的构造单元为开展工作的基本对象,同一构造单元通常具有相对统一的基底特征、构造特征、地层沉积特征及相近的油气聚集成藏控制因素,进行构造单元划分有利于明确勘探方向、开展勘探部署。利用地震、钻井以及测井等方面的资料,在揭示了昆北地区各构造部位断裂的平面及剖面特征的基础上,主要依据基底构造的起伏形态、断裂展布与组合特征等,将昆北断阶带分为6个二级构造单元,即:西部斜坡带、中部褶皱带、南部褶皱带、东部褶皱带、东柴山褶皱带、北部斜坡带。根据各单元所处区域地质背景及内部断裂的组合关系,对其油气前景进行了初步评价,认为西部斜坡带为近期油气勘探的有利部位,北部斜坡带为有利勘探接替地带。这些研究结果为昆北地区油气地质研究、进一步油气勘探部署及优选有利勘探新领域等提供了借鉴和指导。 The Kunbei fault zone is a slope zone formed by the Cenozoic south slope of North Beijiao. Its tectonic pattern has the characteristics of north-south zone, east-west zone and upper and lower strata. Due to this, the northern part of Kunbei fault zone Accumulation of oil and gas accumulation of the larger. Oil and gas exploration usually takes the tectonic units in the area as the basic object of work. The same tectonic unit usually has relatively uniform basement features, structural features, stratigraphic sedimentary characteristics and similar control factors of hydrocarbon accumulation and accumulation, and tectonic unit division is beneficial Clear exploration direction, to carry out exploration and deployment. Based on the data of the earthquakes, drilling and well logging, based on the revealing of the plane and section features of the faults in the various parts of Kunbei area, based on the ups and downs of the basement structure, the fracture distribution and the combination features, The fault zone is divided into six secondary structural units, namely, the western slope zone, central fold belt, southern fold belt, eastern fold belt, east Chaishan fold belt and northern slope belt. According to the combination of geological background and internal faults in each unit, the oil and gas foregrounds are preliminarily evaluated. It is considered that the western slope belt is a favorable site for recent oil and gas exploration, and the northern slope belt is favorable exploration successional belt. These results provide reference and guidance for the research on oil and gas geology in Kunbei area, further exploration and deployment of oil and gas, and new favorable areas for exploration.
襄樊位于湖北省的西北部,由襄阳和樊城两座古城组成,襄樊市职工社会劳动保险管理处就座落在襄阳古城一条僻静的巷子里。 雨后的一个早晨,记者走进了这条巷子。没走多远,一座
正厅局级干部王竹祥行将退休之际大捞一把 ,在收受贿赂15万元人民币的同时 ,也将6500多万元国有资产推到了危险的境地 ,企业也到了面临倒闭的边缘。权力怎样成为腐败的催化剂现年61岁