Phone and Personality

来源 :英语辅导(疯狂英语中学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yinzhg01
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The way people hold the phone says a lot about their personality,according to a new survey.Five distinct (独特的) personality 1 have been uncovered by British psychologist Sandy Gaskins in a poll (民意测验) of 1,0002.Of those 3 560 people were described as naturals 4 meant they 5 the phone in their primary hand 6 their primary ear.Dr.Gaskins says this shows a confident,straightforward (坦率的)person who 7 speaking to people. The way people hold the phone says a lot about their personality,according to a new survey.Five distinct (unique) personality 1 have been uncovered by British psychologist Sandy Gaskins in a poll (interview) of 1,0002.Of those 3 560 people were described as naturals 4 meant they 5 the phone in their primary hand 6 their primary ear.Dr.Gakinkins says this shows a confident, straightforward (frank) person who 7 speaking to people.
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