Structure of the organic crystallite unit in coal as determined by X-ray diffraction

来源 :Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheryme
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X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to study the structure of the organic crystallite unit (La, Lc, d002) in coals collected from Henan and Shanxi Provinces. XRD patterns of coal were collected in a step-scan mode (0.1°/step) over an angular range of 2-90° (2h), allowing 8 s at each step. The structure of the crystallite unit was determined from the Scherrer equation and peak parameters deduced from whole pattern fit- ting. The results show that the structure of the crystallite unit in coal is mainly controlled by the coal rank. As the coal rank increases the average diameter of a coal crystallite unit (La) increases, the inter- layer spacing (d002) decreases slightly, and the average height of a coal crystallite unit (Lc) increases at first but then decreases. A new diffraction peak from the crystallite unit in coal was found at a low scat- tering angle in the XRD pattern (2-10°). This suggests a structure with an inter-layer spacing from 1.9 to 2.8 nm exists in coal crystallites. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to study the structure of the organic crystallite unit (La, Lc, d002) in coals collected from Henan and Shanxi Province. XRD patterns of coal were collected in a step-scan mode step) over an angular range of 2-90 ° (2h), allowing 8 s at each step. The structure of the crystallite unit was determined from the Scherrer equation and peak parameters deduced from whole pattern fit- ting. The results show that the as the coal rank increases the average diameter of a coal crystallite unit (La) increases, the inter-layer spacing (d002) decreases slightly, and the average height of a A new diffraction peak from the crystallite unit in coal was found at a low scatter angle in the XRD pattern (2-10 °). This suggests a structure with an inter -layer spacing from 1.9 to 2.8 nm exists in coal crystallites.
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Q 上高三以来,小洁的父母一直都对她寄予极高的期望,希望她能考上重点大学。但小洁却发现自己很难适应教学节奏快,学习压力大的高三生活,这也使得她的成绩每况愈下。她开始有些自暴自弃了,不停地问自己:“难道我真的很笨,不会学习了吗?”。有了这种想法后,她上课也不专心,笔记也懒得记,任凭各种杂念在脑海里浮现:晚自习时作业也随便应付一下,迟交甚至不交作业成了家常便饭。以前学习上有不懂的问题还会主动问一问老师
4.纠正设备管理与设备维修失误的对策纠正失误的对策大致分为三类: 第一类对策是根据企业的中期经营计划、生产计划和新产品开发计划,做出中期设备计划。此外根据管理系统的
课间十分钟,我到教室去找小杰。走到他身边,发现他神情投入,好像在思考着一道难题。看着他的专注劲儿,我不忍打扰,便悄悄地离开了。我脑子里不断回忆着和他交往沟通的历程,回放着教育他的点点滴滴。  初一时他品学兼优,惹人喜欢。初二下学期开始他有所变化,变得对学习有点力不从心:课堂上愣神发呆、精神恍惚,一副心事重重的样子;有时家庭作业也不完成;当任课老师见他作业没完成或上课心不在焉免不了批评几句时,他就会