
来源 :语文月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mazhiqianggege
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十几岁,正是半大不小的年纪。当我们偶尔撒娇不懂事时,大人们会说:“你们不是小孩子了!”这时,我们会觉得世界很小,它的奥秘我们都已了如指掌;当我们对新鲜事好奇,总想发问或亲自试试时,大人又会拦住我们说:“你们还小,不懂。”既然承认我们还小,不懂事,为何还容忍不了我们犯错,骂我们没出息?这岂不是自相矛盾?有时,我们搞不懂大人,搞不懂这个社会,于是我们喜欢独处,喜欢一个人在家。独处的最佳机会在寒暑假。每每假期到来,孩子们便会欢呼着做起小管家。几年前,假期的家中便只见我一人的身影了。尽管只是泡 In his teens, he is half an age. When we are occasionally petite and ignorant, adults will say: “You are not children!” At this time, we will feel that the world is small and its mysteries are well known; when we are curious about new things, we always think When we ask questions or try it for ourselves, the adults will stop us and say, “You are still young, you don’t understand.” Since we admit that we are young and not sensible, why can’t we tolerate our mistakes? Contradictory? Sometimes, we do not understand adults, do not understand this society, so we like to be alone, like a person at home. The best chance of being alone is during winter and summer vacations. When the holiday arrives, the children will cheer and start a small butler. A few years ago, I only saw one person in my vacation home. Although only bubble
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