十年,整整十个春秋,《档案学通讯》走的是一条平坦的、宽广的路。不象中国人民大学档案系那样,经历过狂风暴雨的袭击,走过崎岖曲折的道路。因为《档案学通讯》是在“四人帮”被粉碎了两年、党的十一届三中全会即将召开的时候诞生的。这时,大地回春,万物复苏,一片欣欣向荣的景象。 路虽然是平坦的、宽广的,但并不是鲜花铺地,以车代步,一帆风顺。而是必须脚踏实地地一步一步地向前走。在每一步上都倾注了编辑部内外人员的心血和精力。 白手起家 艰苦创业 《档案学通讯》1973年5月创刊时称《档案通讯》,不定期,16开油印本,每期只有20页左右,第1期印数100份,第2期翻了一番,200份。
Ten years, a full decade, “Archives Communication” is taking a smooth, broad road. Unlike the Archives Department of Renmin University of China, it has experienced the stormy attacks and gone through the rough and tortuous road. Because Archives Communication was born when the Gang of Four was smashed for two years and the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was about to be convened. At this time, the earth rejuvenated, all things revived, a thriving scene. Although the road is flat, broad, but not the flowers paved the way to the car, smooth sailing. Instead, they must move forward step by step in a down-to-earth manner. At every step, the effort and energy of editorial staff inside and outside the department has been devoted. Starting from scratch, arduous pioneering “Archives Science Communication” was first published in May 1973 called “Archives Newsletters”, from time to time, 16 open oil printing, each of only about 20 pages, the first print 100 copies, the second doubled , 200 copies.