
来源 :湖北农学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kingsword001
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1980—81年在本院举行了水稻、玉米、小麦、陆地棉三个品种、大豆、花生、绿豆和蚕豆等作物的种子发芽试验。初步明确了各种作物种子萌发的最适相对吸水量及其适应幅度、最高相对吸水速度、达到最高峰值以后的变化等,发现所测四种豆科作物在吸水表现上可归为两类;并根据种子内所含淀粉、脂肪和蛋白质百分比的不同,分析了各种作物在吸水上表现不同的原因。 In 1980-81, seed germination tests of three varieties of rice, corn, wheat, and upland cotton, and soybean, peanut, mung bean and broad bean were held in our hospital. The optimum relative water absorption and its adaptation amplitude, the highest relative water absorption rate and the change after reaching the highest peak of the germination of various crops were initially identified. It was found that the measured four kinds of leguminous crops could be classified into two categories: According to the difference of the percentage of starch, fat and protein contained in seeds, the reasons why different crops showed different water absorption were analyzed.
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