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明星代言的产品广告,很容易使人想到“爱屋及乌”。现代汉语词典解释“爱屋及乌”为:“爱人者,兼其屋上之乌。”比喻爱一个人而连带地关心到跟他有关系的人或物。关于容貌,其实是在他人眼球中晃动的影像。而自己眼球中晃动的永远是别人的影像,像一部照相机,只能拍摄他人, 对自己,更多的是一层想象。所以,化妆品代言人,用得最多的不是普通人,而是明星。明星娇艳的容颜,使人产生幻觉, 就象沉迷于她们扮演的每一个角色一样, 也很容易沉迷于她们代言的每一部化妆品广告。我们相信明星是因为相信我们的眼睛,眼睛看到的是一个个美丽的面孔。然 Celebrity endorsements of product advertising, it is easy to think of “love house and Ukraine.” The modern Chinese dictionary explains “Love House and Wu” as: “Lover, and the Ukrainian House.” Metaphor loves a person and he or she is concerned about people or things related to him. Regarding appearance, it is an image that is shaken in the eye of another person. The image that is shaken in the eyes of oneself is always the image of others. Like a camera, it can only photograph other people. It is more of an imagination for themselves. Therefore, the cosmetics spokesperson is not the ordinary person but the star. The celebrity’s beautiful face makes people feel hallucinations, just like being addicted to every role played by them, and it is easy to indulge in every cosmetic advertisement that they endorse. We believe that stars believe in our eyes and that our eyes see beautiful faces. Natural
外资彩电与国产彩电的“价格换位”成为今年“五·一”家电市场的最大看点,外资品牌平板电视价格首次低于国产彩电。笔者认为,如果单纯地以为外资降价是为了挤压国产彩电抢占市场的认识是非常表面化的,实质上,外资彩电的价格跳水是一种被动的迫于新技术替代威胁的“抢位”行为。  从关于外资彩电降价以来的舆论看,外资降价是为了挤压国产彩电从而抢占市场份额的说法似乎得到一致认同,但笔者认为,这仅仅是一种近视视角。外资
Two attorneys went into a diner and ordered two drinks. Then they pro-duced sandwiches from their briefcases and started to eat. The waiter became quite concer
寒风瑟瑟,不由自主地想去寻求温暖。当一锅红艳出现在眼前,当香味裹着热气萦绕于齿颊……从这一刻开始,食指暖了,嘴巴暖了,肠胃暖了,心跟着暖了…… The cold wind blew and
TEACHER: What is the chemical formulafor water?SARAH: “HIJKLMNO”!!TEACHER: What are you talking about?SARAH: Yesterday you said it’s H to O! TEACHER: What
At a church school gathering, one little old lady approached a cute 5-year-old girl and asked her where she got her good looks.“I must got’em from my Daddy,