
来源 :临床消化病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jialufeng
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本文收集我院1974年~1988年,经纤维胃镜检出,并手术及病理证实为早期胃癌者共32例,现对其胃镜所见与癌浸润深度关系等进行观察。临床资料一、性别和年龄,32例中,男25例,女7例,男女之比为3.6:1,年龄为29~68岁,以50~59岁为多共15例(46.9%)。二、临床表现有消化系症状一年以上者26例最长病程达22年.常见症状有上腹痛,消瘦,食欲不振及上消化道出血。体征为上腹部压痛20例,均未扪及肿块.三、X线检查:15例术前曾作X线钡餐检查,诊断为胃癌者5例,胃癌可疑者5例,诊为良性病变或阴性者5例.四、胃镜检查:肉眼诊断早期胃癌者12例,其中隆起型5例,隆起表面稍粗糙,有糜烂,白苔,亦可有小结节状改变;凹陷型7例,胃镜见凹陷边 This article collected 1974 to 1988 in our hospital, detected by fiberoptic gastroscopy, surgical and pathologically confirmed as early gastric cancer, a total of 32 cases, and the relationship between its gastroscopy findings and the depth of invasion of cancer were observed. Clinical data 1. Sex and age: In 32 cases, there were 25 males and 7 females. The ratio of male to female was 3.6:1, and the age ranged from 29 to 68 years. For 50 to 59 years, there were 15 cases (46.9%). Second, the clinical manifestations of digestive symptoms more than one year in 26 cases of the longest course of up to 22 years. Common symptoms include epigastric pain, weight loss, loss of appetite and upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Signs of upper abdominal tenderness in 20 cases, were not palpable mass. Third, X-ray examination: 15 cases had X-ray barium meal examination before surgery, diagnosed as gastric cancer in 5 cases, 5 cases of gastric cancer were suspected to be benign or negative 5 cases. Four, gastroscopy: visual diagnosis of early gastric cancer in 12 cases, of which 5 cases of uplift type, uplifted surface is slightly rough, erosion, white fur, can also have small nodular changes; depression in 7 cases, gastroscopy see Concave side
角化棘皮瘤(Keratoacanthoma,KA)是一种生长迅速的皮肤良性瘤、多为单发、罕有多发者,现将笔者见到的一例多发性 KA 报告如下:患者男性,42岁,一年前无任何诱因双耳及颈部发
软骨肉瘤发生在颌骨者较为少见,国内报道也不多。现将我们收治的6例颌骨软骨肉瘤报告如下,并就其临床、组织学特征及治疗和预后等问题进行讨论。临床资料 1、一般资料:男4例
报道微量细胞毒试验——LDH 释放法用于对胃癌病人临床免疫的监测.测定100例正常人和50例胃癌病人外周血 NK 细胞毒.结果:正常人值为36.10±5.68,胃癌组中,10例早期胃癌为28.