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道不同,不相为谋;道和者,谋定天下。“六朝古都”南京是中国的文化名城,有着数千年的历史,也是兵家必争之地,名满天下的秦淮河畔,更是孕育了无数的才子佳人,昔日之南京曾见证了许多英雄与朝代的兴起。从古到今,南京一直是江南一带的政治经济文化中心,也许在不远的将来,南京还将多一个光环,成为中国直销奇迹诞生之地。这并不是一个虚幻的梦境,因为8月22日这一天,中脉·道和系统在南京正式启动,宣告着中国直销一股不可忽视的新势力诞生。无论是从道和系统启动大会的现场表现、道和系统成立的历史沿革追溯、道和系统文化理念的深入探究,还是对道和系统化运作的手段解析,都证明这是中国直销界最专业、最敬业且最具效率的系统之一。 Road is different, not for conspiracy; Road and those who seek the world. “The ancient capital of the Six Dynasties ” Nanjing is a famous Chinese city with thousands of years of history. It is also a place where military strategists contend. The Qinhuai River, famous all over the world, gave birth to innumerable talents and beautiful people. Nanjing in the past witnessed many The rise of heroes and dynasties. Since ancient times, Nanjing has always been the political, economic and cultural center of Jiangnan. Perhaps in the near future, Nanjing will have another halo and will become the birthplace of China’s direct marketing miracle. This is not an illusionary dream because on August 22 this day, the Middle Route, Tao and System was officially launched in Nanjing, announcing the birth of a new force that can not be ignored in China’s direct marketing. Whether it is from the on-site performance of the Road and System Launching Conference, the historical retrospective of the establishment of the Tao and the system, the thorough exploration of the Tao and systematic and cultural ideas, or the analysis of the Tao and the systematic operation, all prove that this is the most professional , One of the most dedicated and efficient systems.
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目的探讨重度新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征(respiratory distress syndrome,RDS)导致死亡的主要危险因素。方法回顾性分析2010年1月至2011年12月我院NICU诊断为重度RDS的66例早产儿的病例资料。按患儿结局分为死亡组和存活组进行分析。结果重度RDS死亡24例,病死率36.36%。死亡组患儿机械通气时间、碱剩余中位数、pH最小值、PaO2/FiO2最小值、平均胎龄、平均
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