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中国工商银行总行营业办公楼钢结构安装施工中,采用CAD技术完成了各类构件的连接计算、复杂节点放大样等详图设计;组织开发GPS(卫星)定位技术,解决了复杂条件下精确平面定位问题;建立全站仪实时测量系统,精确快速,随时纠偏,以确保质量。施工中在工程总承包、计算机应用、钢结构安装、工程管理等方面形成了一套综合技术,达到国际先进水平。 During the installation and construction of the steel structure of the office building of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the CAD system was used to complete the connection calculation of various components and the detailed design of the enlarged nodes; the organization developed the GPS (satellite) positioning technology and solved the precise plane under complex conditions. Positioning problems; establishing a total station real-time measurement system, accurate and rapid, correcting at any time to ensure quality. During construction, a comprehensive set of technologies has been formed in the general contracting of projects, computer applications, installation of steel structures, and engineering management, which has reached the international advanced level.
爱因斯坦曾经说过:“教育应当使所有提供的东西让孩子作为宝贵的礼物来接受,而不是作为一种艰苦的任务去负担。”即寓教于乐,让学生有兴趣学习,关键在于教师要善教。 Einste
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