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学校简介合肥工业大学是一所国家教育主管部门直属的全国重点大学、国家“211工程”重点建设高校和“985工程”优势学科创新平台建设高校,位于全国四大科教基地之一的安徽省会合肥市,是我国人才培养、科学研究和服务社会的重要基地。学校现有教职工3594人,专任教师1744人,其中具有高级专业技术职务人员1466人。有国家“千人计划”入选者7人、“长江学者”特聘教授和讲座教授11人、国家杰出青年科学基金获得者4人、国家优秀青年科学基金获得者3人、全国百篇优秀博士论文获得者2人。学校有全日制在校本科生2.67万人,硕士、博士研究生9600余人。学校有3个国家重点学科、1个国家重点培育学科、27个省级重点学科;有12个博士后科研流动站、12个博士学位授权一级学科、52个博士学位授权点、32个硕士学位授权一级学科、150个硕士学位授权点;有9种专业学位授予权,其中工程硕士专业学位授权领域25个;设有75个本科专业。形成了“以工为主、理工结合、文理渗透”的多学科协调发展的学科专业结构。近年来,学校积极开展对外合作与交流,与30多所世界知名大学建立了友好合作关系。为了实现学校跨越式发展,实现学校“国内先进、国际知名的创新型高水平大学”的目标,我们诚邀海内外杰出人才加盟合肥工业大学,一展才华,携手共创美好未来! Brief introduction of the school Hefei University of Technology is a national key university directly under the administration of national education, national “211 project ” key construction colleges and universities “985 project ” advantage discipline innovation platform to build colleges and universities, located in one of the four major science and education base Anhui Province, Hefei City, is an important base for China’s personnel training, scientific research and social services. School existing staff 3594 people, full-time teachers 1744 people, including senior professional and technical personnel 1466 people. There are 7 national candidates for “Thousand Talents Program”, 11 Distinguished Professors and Chair Professors for “Changjiang Scholar”, 4 for National Outstanding Young Scientists Fund, 3 for National Outstanding Youth Science Foundation, Excellent PhD thesis winner 2 people. The school has 26,700 full-time undergraduate students, master’s and doctoral students, 9600 people. The school has 3 national key disciplines, a national key disciplines, 27 provincial key disciplines; there are 12 post-doctoral research stations, 12 doctorate-level subjects, 52 doctoral programs, 32 master’s degree Authorized first-level disciplines, 150 master’s degree authorization points; there are nine kinds of professional degree conferment, of which engineering master’s degree in 25 areas of expertise; has 75 undergraduate majors. Formed a “multidisciplinary coordinated development of professional structure of the main work, science and technology integration, liberal arts and science”. In recent years, the school has actively carried out foreign cooperation and exchange and has established friendly cooperative relations with over 30 world-renowned universities. In order to realize the leap-forward development of the school and achieve the goal of “Advanced and internationally renowned high-level innovative university”, we sincerely invite talents both at home and abroad to join Hefei University of Technology to showcase our talents and join hands in creating a bright future!
目的:探讨131I-anti-CD20McAb经瘤内注射后在荷人Burkitts淋巴瘤细胞系Raji细胞移植瘤裸鼠体内的动态分布。 方法: 131I标记物的标记采用IODO-GEN碘化标记;注射标记物后第1
前进策略&零点调查即将发布的《2005零点中国公众医疗服务指数年度报告》以量化的方式清晰的描绘出了中国公众对医疗服务形象.报告指出, 2005年公众对中国医疗服务的总体水平
目的:研究鳖甲煎丸对H22荷瘤小鼠的抑瘤作用及机制探讨。 方法:建立H122荷瘤小鼠动物模型,随机分成四组:鳖甲煎丸高剂量组、鳖甲煎丸低刺量组、阴性对照组、环磷酰胺组。鳖甲
驾驶一辆中国产汽车在罗马威尼托大街(VIA VENETO)兜风,听上去可能不够浪漫,但这种情形离现实近了一步,因为中国汽车制造商--长城汽车(GREAT WALL AUTOMOTIVE)将向意大利出口
我珍藏了一张老照片,是老红军舒行76年前参加处理西安事变时,换下红军军服穿上西装的珍贵照片。  那是在1997年。我在中共吉安县委党史办安排下,为撰写《将军辉耀东井冈》这部将军传采访了舒行等将军。  舒行将军原名胡喜庆,1910年生于吉安县长塘乡桥南村一户贫农家庭。1929年,他参加吉安儒延坊红色游击队。1930年被编入红三军团,1931年入党。他先后参加了中央苏区的五次反“围剿”和长征。抗日战争