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大庆油田是世界上累计产油超亿吨的屈指可数的大油田之一。大庆油田于1960年投入开发,1976年原油产量达到5000万吨,已连续稳产了17年。1992年生产原油5565万吨,占全国原油产量的40%多。油田目前正处于旺盛生产期,根据科学预测,年产5500万吨可稳产到1995年,年产5000万吨可稳产到2000年,随着科技进步,可望稳产更长时间。到下个世纪中叶,大庆仍是一个产量相当可观的大型油田。 大庆是一个以石油、天然气勘探开发为主的特大型石油工业联合企业,年销售额在200多亿元人民币,名列全国500家工业大企业榜首。经过30多年的开发建设,已经形成了油气生产、集输、处理、加工、 Daqing Oilfield is one of the largest large oil fields in the world with accumulated oil production exceeding 100 million tons. Daqing Oilfield was put into development in 1960, with crude oil production reaching 50 million tons in 1976 and stable production for 17 years. In 1992, 55.65 million tons of crude oil was produced, accounting for more than 40% of the country’s crude oil output. The oilfield is currently in a period of vigorous production. According to scientific predictions, the annual output of 55 million tons can be stabilized until 1995, and the annual output of 50 million tons can be steadily stabilized to 2000. With the progress of science and technology, it is expected to see a steady production for a longer period of time. By the middle of the next century, Daqing is still a large-scale oilfield with a considerable output. Daqing is a large oil industry conglomerate focusing on oil and natural gas exploration and development with annual sales of more than 20 billion yuan and topped the list of the top 500 industrial enterprises in the country. After 30 years of development and construction, oil and gas production, gathering and transportation, processing, processing,
本研究建立了基因芯片检测我国检疫性细菌水稻白叶枯病菌、水稻细菌性条斑病菌和柑桔溃疡病菌。以RNA多聚酶西格玛因子(RNA polymerase sigma factor,rpoD)基因为靶标,设计了
目的探讨博尔纳病病毒(Borna disease virus,BDV)感染对人少突胶质细胞(oligodendrocytes,OL)增殖与凋亡的影响。方法用BDV感染OL细胞,免疫荧光检测OL细胞中博尔纳病病毒P40
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通过四台奔驰2624载货翻斗汽车近100000km的行车使用试验,对比考察了L-ECD10W/40柴油机油的清净分散性、抗氧化性、抗磨抗擦伤性、低温冷启动性、经济性。 Through the runnin