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  team after team filled with players who serve as walking billboards on one of the sports world’s biggest stages.
  One of the perks of playing college basketball for a powerhouse program like North Carolina is all the team-issued gear. Every year, the Tar Heels are outfitted with more shirts, sweats and sneakers than they can possibly wear in a season.
  The only problem is that their friends and families know it.
  "Oh, people are always asking for stuff," said Stilman White, a senior guard. "It’s a weekly thing, to be honest."
  The latest request came from White’s 18-year-old sister, Noel, who became enthralled with one of his T-shirts as North Carolina began to prepare for the N.C.A.A. tournament.
  "My sister would not talk to me about anything else besides that shirt until I finally just gave it to her so she’d stop bugging me," White said.
  Among the potential difficulties facing college basketball players, being the recipients of too much branded (and free) gear surely qualifies as a first-world problem. But it is one of the most noteworthy byproducts of lucrative endorsement deals that prominent programs like North Carolina, U.C.L.A., Kansas and Michigan have with sports apparel companies like Nike, Adidas and Under Armour.
  The N.C.A.A. will remind anyone within earshot that these players are still amateur athletes, and the mere suggestion of compensation — beyond their scholarships — opens the door to a swirl of complications. But they do receive gear — so much gear — and the N.C.A.A. allows them to give it away. They just can’t sell it.
  For the companies, the arrangement has obvious benefits: team after team filled with players who serve as walking billboards on one of the sports world’s biggest stages. In the brands’ view, the more clothing and shoes they hand out, the more likely it is that a player will wear their logo. For the athletes, who are often oversize teenagers who struggle to find clothes and shoes that fit, the free gear — including coveted sneaker styles that can cost$200 or more a pair — comes in handy.   对品牌公司来说,这种做法有着明显的好处:在世界体育最大的舞台上,一支支球队的球员,变成了活动的广告牌。从品牌的角度看,他们送出的衣服和球鞋越多,球员的身上就越有可能出现他们的商标。这些运动员大多数身材超标,很难找到合适的衣服鞋子,因此免费的装备,包括售价可能超过200美元的热门球鞋,自然派上了用场。
  But the question eventually becomes: What to do with all of it? Sweatshirts wind up going to moms and dads. Shorts get shipped off to siblings. Old sneakers are handed out to pals back home — whether they fit or not.
  Gabby Williams, a star forward for the women’s basketball team at Connecticut, said she had set aside a stack of UConn clothing as gifts for her family members to wear during the Huskies’ latest tournament run.
  "It’s always nice to give back to everyone else," she said. "We do get a lot of stuff, and we’re very lucky, so I love to give my stuff away."
  Charlie Noebel, a senior guard at Oregon, said that he constantly hears from friends desperate to get their hands on a pair of the Ducks’ custom Nikes.
  "All the time," said Noebel, who wears size 12.5 shoes. "Most of my friends are 10s, so they can’t fit into them. But they’ll always be like, ’Hey, I can wear two or three pairs of socks, I don’t care.’”
  Oregon T-shirts seem to be popular, too. In recent years, the Ducks have worn a different one for every game, and unloading those is rarely a problem. As Noebel explained, "A lot of people like the color green."
  At Michigan, where the university has an apparel deal with Nike that could be worth as much as $173.8 million through 2031, some players said they had received as many as 13 pairs of Jordan brand sneakers this season. Sometimes, they said, the shoes just appear, tucked inside fresh boxes left on locker-room chairs before random practices.

  "It was pretty cool just to get free stuff," said Muhammad-Ali AbdurRahkman, a junior guard who, before he joined the Wolverines, would spend his own money on the Jordan gear he now gets gratis.
  “能得到免费的东西挺酷的。”密歇根大学的大三后卫穆罕默德-阿里·阿卜杜尔-拉克曼表示,进入密歇根大学前,他会自己花钱买这些现在免费送给他的Jordan球鞋。   Bob Bland, Michigan’s longtime equipment manager, is responsible for the surprises. When a new shipment of sneakers arrived this season, Bland showed up for a team film session with a bin full of them. He called players up by name and number to receive their allotments.
  Moments like those are a big deal for Brent Hibbitts, a sophomore walk-on from Hudsonville, Mich. Growing up, he said, he was such a fan of Jordan sneakers that he would camp outside stores just for the chance to buy the newest release.
  "I think I waited outside one time for 10 hours in a blizzard," he said.
  Hibbitts no longer has to subject himself to such ordeals. Nor do the players at North Carolina — Michael Jordan’s alma mater — which also has a deal with Nike. White, for example, said he had stacks of Jordan sneakers in boxes. Some live in his locker. Others take up real estate in his dorm room. He has even sent a few to his parents for safekeeping.
  "Stockpiles," White said.
  And while he is happy to part with T-shirts and also has bequeathed used pairs of sneakers to friends, White was clear that there is a line even friends and family cannot cross. "They’re not," he said, "getting any of the new stuff."
  Alex Olesinski, a sophomore forward at U.C.L.A., said his classmates were always in the market for his Adidas-provided freebies. "They’ll be like,’Give me a shirt,’" he said. Most are not particularly discriminating, he added.“They’ll take anything, honestly.”
  There could be a lot for the taking soon: The Bruins are in the final year of their multimillion-dollar contract with Adidas and next season will switch to Under Armour. Despite that coming change, the Bruins’ equipment cupboard is anything but bare. This season, Olesinski said, Adidas provided each U.C.L.A. player with more than 15 pairs of sneakers. In the locker room after the team’s practice session on Thursday afternoon at FedEx Forum, Olesinski pointed to a nearby pair of colorful high-tops.   很快他们就能得到更多的东西:UCLA正处于和阿迪达斯百万美元合同的最后一年。尽管即将发生改变,可UCLA的装备库始终满满当当。奥利辛斯基说,本赛季阿迪达斯为每一名UCLA球员提供了超过15双球鞋。周四下午在联邦快递球馆的训练结束后,更衣室里的奥利辛斯基指着不远处一双色彩鲜艳的高帮球鞋这样说道。
  "Today is the first day I’ve worn those," he said. "Comfortable."
  Dillon Pulliam, a sophomore guard at Kentucky, has laid in about a dozen pairs of sneakers that he has never worn. He has lent a couple pairs to his younger brother, Zach, who plays at Division III Transylvania University in Lexington, Ky, far down the equipment-deal food chain. The occasional giveaway is no problem, Pulliam said. He still has more than enough for himself.
  "I’m going to be good for basketball shoes for the rest of my life," Pulliam said.
  Some of his friends, though, are more discerning collectors. Pulliam said he had heard from several people this season who coveted one teamissued item in particular: custom-made Nike Kobe 11s with the Wildcats’ interlocking UK logo on the inside heel. Each Kentucky player, he said, had received three pairs, one each in three color schemes: blue, white and gray.
  Nike made similar versions for Duke, Michigan State and Oregon, but if you want a pair, good luck: Because they were team-only items, you would need to find a player willing to part with his.
  Sneakers are seldom in short supply at programs like Kentucky, North Carolina and U.C.L.A., the three blue bloods that cohabitated in Memphis over the past few days for the South Region semifinals and final. The fourth team left in the region when the weekend began, Butler, is a program with its own rich basketball history — but one that appears to take a more judicious approach to equipment.
  Nate Fowler, a sophomore center, said each Butler player typically receives three sets of practice shorts and jerseys at the start of the season, along with one pair of sneakers. They get another pair about halfway through the season, and then maybe one more at the start of the postseason. Fowler said he was aware that players at other programs get more free stuff, not that he minds.
  He knows he can always get more — as needed. Butler, you see, has a storage closet.
  "If anything rips," he said, "they’ll replace it."
【摘要】 语文教学特别是阅讀教学怎样更好地体现工具性与人文性的统一,是每个语文教育工作者该深思的问题。  【关键词】 语文教学 实效性   笔者在多年的语文教学工作中领悟到,提高教学的实效性的关键如下:  一、体现工具性与人文性的和谐统一。  语文教学应当凸显语文学科的个性,立足工具,弘扬人文。在这方面,当前倾向性的问题是阅讀教学往往注重内容理解、人文感悟,忽视语言的理解和运用,甚至以知意为唯一
【摘要】 钢琴教学中,由于不同的学生相互间存在一些差异,所以不能固定一种方法去教学,必须把握好教学中共性与个性的关系,这样就会使教师的头脑更为灵活,教学手段就会更加高明,教学过程的准确度会把握得更好,学生在学习过程中也会更加易于接受,学习进度也会得到提高。  【关键词】 钢琴教材 技术 方法 共性 个性   一、教材使用方面的共性与个性关系   钢琴作为一种重要的演奏乐器,越来越受到人们的喜爱。
口语交际是人们交流思想、传播信息、表达情感的重要形式。因此,加强口语交际能力的训练和培养是小学语文教学的重要任务,是提高小学生语文素养的重要组成部分。小学阶段是一个人发展语言的黄金时期,一年级更是学生系统学习规范化语言的开始。尽快让每个孩子动起来,敢于发表自己的意见,培养口头表达能力,是我们一年级教师刻不容缓的任务。针对一年级学生的认知特点和心理特点,我做了以下尝试。   一、亲近孩子,让孩子们
他站在那里,脚下是贝尔格莱德冬天土地的温度。旁边不远就是“先锋球馆”,那是贝尔格莱德游击队俱乐部喧嚣的主场。尽管现在,一切已经重归静寂和温柔,但在前一天晚上,这里炽热得像个大火炉。游击队迎来了贝尔格莱德红星队,绝对的德比,欧洲第一德比。整个先锋球场都在颤抖,8000名球迷全情激奋,呼喊着对游击队无与伦比的爱,和对红星无法压抑的恨。  如今,韦斯特曼的脸色颇为木讷。这是他经历的第一场贝尔格莱德德比,
“除了三个老的和两个外援,其他队员明天上午10点到训练馆训练。”刚结束半决赛首战、从乌鲁木齐返回东莞,主教练杜锋就向队员们下达命令。三个老的,指的是易建联、王仕鹏和朱芳雨,而作为球队的主力控卫陈江华和刘晓宇是除三个老队员和周鹏外打CBA时间最长的球员,这已经是他们第七个CBA赛季。显然,陈江华和刘晓宇都已经习惯这样的安排,在这支“尤家军”他们要做的只是更认真、更努力。  陈江华和刘晓宇,宏远后场的
SLAM:跟我们说说你成长的地方怎么样?  NV:我的出生地是瑞士,当时父亲在那打职业篮球。在瑞士呆了两年后,我又随着父亲转会去了比利时,在那住了七年。然后我们又回到黑山,在那住了四年后我来到了美国读高中最后一年。基本上我的成长地点就是不断在改变。但无论在哪,每年夏天我都会和老爸回黑山住,所以那才是我真正的家。  你第一次拿起篮球时多大?  从出生起篮球就伴随着我——老爸和老妈都是职业篮球运动员。
埃瑞克·科斯顿是世界滑板界的传奇人物,多年来的实战经验与独特思想,使他的签名滑板鞋备受热捧,更多孩子穿着他的签名鞋爱上了滑板运动,从这一点来说,更令人钦佩。   SLAM:欢迎再次来到中国,最近在做些什么?  EK:最近我和家人待在一起的时间比较多,也会尝试花更多时间去练习滑板。因为今、明两年我会拍摄一部新的耐克滑板影片,所以把更多精力投入其中。另外大家都知道,我开了新的Berrics板场,也在忙
“我看你就是个大小孩,赶紧回家练练腹肌吧!”当着记者的面,帕特里克·帕特森在更衣室内开起了队友德马库斯·考辛斯的玩笑。在刚刚结束的比赛中,国王以119比83从山猫身上收获了一场酣畅淋漓的大胜。  “我才不需要呢,”考辛斯一边使劲挤着腰腹部一边回击道,“瞧见没?”  “不,你需要!”帕特森坚称道。  这样的场景对两人来说都太熟悉了,作为当年肯塔基大学的内线搭档,同年步入NBA的帕特森和考辛斯私下始终