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白茆镇是苏南有名的山歌之乡。传说最早的山歌是汉朝张良教的,至今白茆还留传着“张良就是唱歌郎,坐着风筝教思乡”的山歌。这自然只是传说,但白茆山歌中确有好多歌唱古人的,从孙武子到管仲,从介子推到伍子胥,从苏秦、张仪到廉颇、蔺相如,如秦琼到李元霸,从宋江到鲁智深……例如有一首唱屈原的:“桅子花开心里黄,张仪欺骗楚怀王,破坏六国联盟计,屈原自投汩罗江。”钱牧斋晚年隐居白茆塘边的红豆山庄,至今这里流传着钱牧斋和柳如是诗歌唱和的佳话。历代流传下来的白茆山歌中,有劳动歌、古人名歌、地名歌、物名歌、节令歌、私情歌、摇船歌、长工歌、仪式歌、佛偈歌、叙事长歌等。其中有不少是歌唱对自由恋爱的向往和热烈的爱情的,如“结识私情隔条河,手攀楝树望情哥,娘问媛五(吴语:女儿)你望啥?我望楝树头顶上花结果”。旧时,很多白茆山歌悲凉凄切,是哀生民之痛苦 Baijiao Town is a famous folk song village in southern Jiangsu. Legend of the earliest folk songs are Han Liang Zhang taught, so far Baizhuan still pass “Zhang Liang is singing Lang, sitting kite to teach hometown ” folk song. This is only a legend. However, there are indeed a lot of songs in the ancient songs of Baiji. From Sun Wuzi to Guan Zhong, they are pushed from pions to Wu Zixu from Su Qin and Zhang Yi to Lian Po, Lin Xiangru, Qin Qiong to Li Yuanba, and Song Zhanshi to Lu Zhishen. For example, there is a song Qu Yuan: “Gardenia flowers happy yellow, Zhang Yi deceive Chuhuai Wang, undermining the six-nation coalition count, Qu Yuan voted to Luojiang. ” Qianmuzhai seclusion Baitang pond late Red Bean Hill Villa, since There is a story circulating in Qianmuzhai and Liu Rushi poetry and singing. Among the songs of Baiji handed down from generation to generation, there are songs of labor, famous songs of ancient people, names songs, names songs, festival songs, private love songs, rocker songs, long songs, ritual songs, Buddhist songs and narration songs. Many of whom are longing for love and passionate love singing, such as “acquaintance with each other across the river, the hands of nectar trees look brother, mother of five (Wu language: daughter) you look what? I hope Neem tree flower results ”. Old, a lot of Baizu folk sad desolate, is the pain of longevity
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