
来源 :考试与评价·七年级版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jma_sd
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  Dear Gina,
   Im very happy to _1_ that youre coming to Beijing for your vacation. Now let me _2_you something about the city. There _3_ lots of interesting places here. You can _4_ the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Tianan Men Square and many _5_ places. The people here, are very _6_. Theyre always happy to help others. You can also _7_ all kinds of delicious food here. But I dont think its the best time to come _8_ August, because its very hot. You can come in September _9_ October. The weather is usually sunny and _10_ at that time.
  I hope you can have a good time in Beijing.
  Ling Ling
  1. A. keep                     B. know                   C. wear            D. drive
  2. A. tell                  B. say                     C. speak           D. talk
  3. A. is                   B. am                     C. are              D. be
  4. A. follow               B. learn                   C. study                  D. visit
  5. A. other                B. the other               C. others           D. the others
  6. A. friendly              B. boring                  C. bad                   D. noisy   7. A. sound                    B. taste                   C. look              D. feel
  8. A. on                  B. at                            C. with              D. in
  9. A. then                B. but                     C. or                D. either
  10. A. cold                B. cool                    C. hot               D. rainy
  I am Mike. I live on Green Street. It is a good _1_ to have fun. You can _2_ a hotel, a supermarket, a bank, a bookstore and a zoo on it. It is a very _3_ street. There are always lots of people and cars in it. My house is _4_ from the hotel. The hotel is _5_ the bookstore and the bank. My favorite place is the bookstore. There are lots of interesting books in it. I often _6_ some time there on weekends. If you want to see _7_, you can go to the zoo. It is next to the supermarket. There is also a big _8_ near the supermarket. It is _9_ and quiet. You can _10_ your lunch in it.
  Welcome to Green Street.
  1. A. house                    B. home                  C. place             D. centre
  2. A. speak                    B. see                    C. talk               D. eat   3. A. free                      B. quiet                   C. boring            D. busy
  4. A. across                    B. with                    C. up              D. down
  5. A. in                   B. under                  C. between               D. on
  6. A. spend                    B. pay                    C. take                   D. buy
  7. A. violin                B. animals                 C. clothes          D. food
  8. A. bank                     B. hospital                 C. post office        D. restaurant
  9. A. white                     B. black                   C. clean            D. yellow
  10. A. enjoy              B. sell                     C. drink             D. relax
高一的学习生活已经过去大半,同学们的英语学习成果怎样呢?有的同学在众多纷杂的学习材料中苦苦挣扎,而有的同学却仅仅在《考试与评价》的帮助下成绩优秀。这是为什么呢?请结合所给图片,以“Have more ‘ladders’ or better use one of them?”为题,用英语写一篇短文。  要求:1. 参赛作品需用钢笔、中性笔或碳素笔在16开白纸上书写;  2. 紧扣主题,语句通顺,内容
关注信(letter of concern)属于应用文的范畴。关注信是作者就某一问题或一些现象,表达自己对事件的关心,并提出自己的一些看法和解决办法。一封好的关注信分为三个部分:开头、主体和结尾。  开头:简单介绍写信的缘由。  主体:针对对方的问题(如生病等)进行有针对性的鼓励和安慰,并适当提出自己的建议。注意语气一定要委婉,能体现出自己对对方的关切之情。  结尾:简洁的希望或祝福。  常用句式
Do you know that the first basketball game was played with a soccer ball?  Lets look at the story behind basketball and learn more about the man who invented this sport.  Naismith was born on November
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(A)  Its a cold evening. It snows outside. An old man walks in the street with a horse. He wants to find a warm place because he is very cold now.  He finds a pub and goes in. There are many people in
大多数人在年老时无所事事,安娜·玛丽·摩西却与众不同。她70余岁时开始作画,并备受人们的喜爱。她在百岁高龄时依旧笔耕不辍,纽约州把她的百岁寿辰定为“摩西奶奶日”。本文将以“历史现在时”带你走进她的精彩……  Most people rest and relax when they are old. They do not work. And most people certainly are no
主谓一致,顾名思义,就是指英语句子中的谓语动词在数、人称、时态等方面要和主语保持一致。这与汉语的思维方式有所不同,容易被同学们所忽视。下面本文对主谓一致的易考点进行归纳,希望能对同学们的学习有所帮助。  考点一、主谓一致三原则  主谓一致涉及三个基本原则,即语法一致原则、意义一致原则和就近原则。  1. 语法一致:语法一致是指主语和谓语在单复数形式上的一致关系,主语为单数形式,谓语动词用单数形式;
I. 根據汉语或首字母提示填写单词,完成句子。  1. Its ____ (阴天) today.  2. My grandparents walk in the ____ (公园).  3. Can you give the book to ____ (他)?  4. Its very hot here in ____ (夏天).  5. I like drinking ____ (果汁).  6
I. 根據首字母或汉语提示填写单词,完成句子。  1. My friend Jane is ill in h____.  2. Dont s____ too much time playing computer games.  3. T____ left and walk for 100 meters. The store is on your right.  4. I cant buy the
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