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为了解决码头中大直径圆筒结构、小直径群桩结构的冰力问题,开展系列物理模拟试验研究。针对直径较大的圆筒或圆沉箱结构,通过物理模拟试验将Afanasev公式适合小直径直立圆柱桩(D/h≤6)的范围拓展到大直径直立圆柱结构(D/h≤50)。由于渤海多数时间的海冰厚度<20cm,新的试验统计关系适用渤海直径<25m直立圆柱结构上的冰力评估。当为了获得大型码头结构中倾斜和多排群桩各桩冰力分配,但又受模型比尺和水槽尺度的限制时,采用将整体结构分解成多个测试单元,分别测试各个单元上的冰力并同时测量同直径单直立圆柱桩上的冰力,建立复杂群桩结构上各个单桩同单直立圆柱桩之间的冰力等效关系,然后利用单直立圆柱桩的冰力计算公式和原型冰压缩强度、冰厚度、桩直径、等效系数来复原复杂结构物上的原型冰力和各桩上的的原型冰力。这种做法回避原型冰力复原时用简单相似理论解决复杂结构问题的难题。应用这些原则,物理模拟试验得到三种不同类型群桩结构各桩冰力分配;前后桩之间的遮蔽系数以及与单直立圆柱桩的等效系数。这些结果在渤海海冰工程中具有一定普适性。 In order to solve the problem of ice force of large-diameter cylinder structure and small-diameter group pile structure, a series of physical simulation experiments were carried out. For the larger diameter cylinder or round caissons, the range of Afanasev formula suitable for small diameter vertical cylindrical pile (D / h≤6) is expanded to large diameter vertical cylinder structure (D / h≤50) through physical simulation test. Since the thickness of sea ice in the Bohai Sea is less than 20cm for most of the time, the new experimental statistical relationship applies to the assessment of ice force on an erected cylindrical structure with a diameter of <25m in the Bohai Sea. In order to get the ice force distribution of the inclined and multi-row pile groups in the large wharf structure, but limited by the scale of the model and the size of the sink, the whole structure is decomposed into a plurality of test units to test the ice Force and simultaneously measure the ice force on a single erected cylindrical pile with the same diameter and establish the ice force equivalent relationship between the single pile and the single erected cylindrical pile on the complex group pile structure. Prototype ice compressive strength, ice thickness, pile diameter, equivalent coefficient to restore the prototype ice force on complex structures and prototype ice force on each pile. This approach avoids the difficulty of using simple similarity theory to solve complex structural problems in the restoration of prototype ice power. Applying these principles, the physical simulation test obtains the ice force distribution of each pile in three different types of group pile structures; the shielding coefficient between front and back piles and the equivalent coefficient with single erected cylindrical pile. These results have some universality in the sea ice project in the Bohai Sea.
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