Traditions of Enlightenment On February 16, 1924, Comrade Dai Daiying published an essay in his eighteenth issue of “China Youth”, which inspired us to think about the methodology of youth research today. The title of this essay is “Considerations for the Young Workers’ Movement.” From the outset, Comrade Ying Dai pointed out that youth are rich in emotions and energetic. They do not know anything about being in for shame and ignoring danger. Therefore, they are the forces of revolution. Workers gather together and approach each other with a large number and status. Therefore, they are the forces of revolution. At the same time, he pointed out that the non-worker youth are short of the revolutionary and easy-to-be-romantic-not disciplined, and the non-young workers are revolutionary and less likely to have a fire-like passion. Here, 恽 Daiying from