来源 :武汉工业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovetheme1988
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The improvements of the me chanical properties, including bulk density of fresh mixtures, elastic modulus, and compressive strengths of four high-performance concrete mixtures, made with the addition of fly ash, refined ground blast-face microslag(microslag) and s ilica fume are studied.The concrete mixtures were determined based on the disper sion testing results.The study indicates that the elastic modulus at 28 and 91 days, an d compressive strengths of the concretes are improved a lot when fl y ash and microslag by 25 percent by weight of cement are added into the mixture s individually.The improvement is especially evident when silica fume by 5 perc e nt and fly ash by 25 percent by weight of cement are added together into the mix ture, while the fresh concrete mixture keeps a good workability.Through the anal ysis of chemically combined water ratios of the four mixtures at various hydrati on ages, it is found that the addition of all these mineral mixtures are benefic ial to the hydration process, especially, at later stages, which might be one of the reasons for the improvement of mechanical properties.
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Using ground granulated blast face slag as the activ e stuff of high performance concrete (HPC), the C60 SHPC was prepared. The behav iour of the C60 SHPC and i
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