
来源 :中国公共卫生管理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mdtuyen
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卫生防疫站“管理主项”是指经济管理、目标管理、执法管理、质量管理、信息管理等主要管理项目。笔者主张,各级卫生防疫站应有计划地有重点地搞好管理主项建设。 1 问题的提出“七五”期间,我国各级卫生防疫站自上而下地推行了站长责任制,这种有别于党委统一领导的领导体制,加强了站长管理职责的作用,加速了防疫站组织管理的深入发展。佟维等主编的《卫生防疫站管理》(见《医院管理》1982年总第27期)中提出的防疫站管理内容被广泛采用。在原有管理基 The “main management items” of health and epidemic prevention stations refer to major management items such as economic management, target management, law enforcement management, quality management, and information management. The author advocates that health and epidemic prevention stations at all levels should do a good job in planning and focusing on the construction of key management projects. 1 During the “7th Five-Year Plan” period, China’s health and anti-epidemic stations at all levels implemented a webmaster responsibility system from top to bottom. This leadership system, which is different from the unified leadership of the Party Committee, has strengthened the role of webmasters’ management responsibilities and accelerated the Epidemic prevention station organization management in-depth development. The management content of the epidemic prevention station proposed in the “Health and Epidemic Prevention Station Management” edited by Yu Wei et al. (see “Hospital Management”, Issue 27 of 1982) is widely adopted. In the original management base
Adrenoceptors(ARs) and angiotensin receptors(ATs) play important roles in regulating cardiovascular actions. In the meanwhile, there is extensive cross- talk be
今年7、8月份山西省潞城、左权、沁县、沁源、安泽等县相继遭受洪水灾害,厅直各单位两次 In July and August of this year, the counties of Xiangcheng, Zuoquan, Qixian
凝血酶敏感蛋白( T S P) 是重要的内源性血管新生抑制物质,对内皮细胞的作用表现出多重性以及双向调节作用,在不同的实验体系和不同的靶细胞中, T S P 所表现的生物学作用存在着较大的差
江苏省武进县以建设有中国特色社会主义理论为指导,积极开发各级领导,加快了 PHC 的步伐,使全县 PHC 工作出现了新局面。我县的具体做法是:一、开发领导几年来,我县政府坚持