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2008年5月12日,四川汶川发生8.0级特大地震。那一刻,地动山摇,震区遭受了建国以来最为惨烈的一场灾难。“天灾无情,人有情!”在突如其来的灾难面前,13亿中国人四海一心,众志成城,抗震救灾。IT企业也迅速行动起来,成为赈灾行动中最活跃的群体之一。他们慷慨解囊,通过捐款、捐物、提供技术支援、发动募捐活动等多种形式,向灾区伸出温暖的援助之手。据人民网报道,截至5月19日,IT及高科技企业和相关个人向灾区捐赠的善款、物资已达10.6896亿元,这一数字占中国企业捐款总数的24%,为各个行业之冠。不仅仅是捐钱捐物,IT企业还利用各自的资源优势,多管齐下为灾区人民送温暧,为灾区的救援和重建燃起希望之光:中国移动等电信企业减免受灾地区客户手机通信费用,提供免费报平安电话;新浪、腾讯等门户网站搭建网络救灾平台,向亿万网友传递爱心,凝聚力量;中兴通讯等硬件设备企业为灾区提供通讯设备和技术支援;盛大等网游企业号召上亿游戏玩家赈灾互助,提出“虚拟世界,一样有爱”……正因为如此,有网友赞道:“在这次抗震救灾中,我们的IT企业表现得很好很强大!”让我们向所有捐助灾区的IT企业致敬!向所有捐助灾区的IT人致敬! On May 12, 2008, a magnitude 8.0 earthquake hit Wenchuan, Sichuan. At that moment, it moved tremendously and the earthquake zone suffered the most tragic disaster since the founding of the People’s Republic. “In the face of unexpected disasters, 1.3 billion Chinese are united in one heart and soul, they are united in their efforts to provide relief and disaster relief. IT companies have also been quick to act as one of the most active groups in disaster relief operations. They generously donated their warm aid to the disaster-stricken areas through donations, donations, technical assistance and launching of fund-raising activities. According to the People’s Daily Online, as of May 19, donations made by IT and high-tech enterprises and related individuals to the disaster-stricken areas have reached 1,068.96 million yuan, accounting for 24% of the total number of donations made by Chinese enterprises, making them the highest among all industries . Not only donated money and goods, IT companies also make use of their respective advantages in resources to send warmth to the people in the disaster areas in a multi-pronged approach and light the hope for the rescue and reconstruction of the disaster-hit areas: China Mobile and other telecommunications enterprises reduce or exempt customers’ mobile phones in the affected areas Communications costs, providing free newspaper Ping An; Sina, Tencent and other portals to build a network disaster relief platform to millions of users pass love, cohesion; ZTE and other hardware equipment companies provide communications equipment and technical support for disaster areas; Shanda and other online games business appeal Hundreds of millions of game players disaster relief mutual aid proposed ”virtual world, the same love “ ... Because of this, some users praise: ”In this earthquake relief, our IT companies performed very well very strong! "Let us pay tribute to all donated disaster-stricken IT companies! Pay tribute to IT donors in all donated areas!
唐山华联商厦成功的改造 高起点的跳跃唐山华联商厦前身是唐山个工业品贸易中心,位于新华西道商业区,系国有大中型商业企业。由于历史原因,按着批发市场设计建筑的营业大楼,营业
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