长期以来,原始的手工汇总方式,使农村统计人员长期疲于应付,无暇顾及统计服务,难以适应形势需要。为此,杭州市萧山区南阳镇通过多方努力,建立了一套完整的镇、村二级统计计算机网络和一支既能搞统计又会上机操作的统计队伍,成为全省首个与所属村全面联网的镇。 南阳镇现
For a long time, the original manual collection method has made rural statisticians tired of dealing with statistics for a long period of time and has difficulty adapting to the needs of the situation. To this end, Nanyang Town, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, through various efforts, has established a complete set of statistical computer networks in towns and villages as well as a statistical team that can carry out statistics and operate the aircraft. It has become the first and Village fully networked town. Nanyang town now