
来源 :中国农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lihongde313
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多年来,我国南方稻区种植制度的改革,对农业增产确实起到了重要的作用,并且积累了丰富的经验。但在改制过程中,有些地方超越了自然条件和经济水平许可范围,违反了因地制宜的原则,不适当地提高复种指数,加重了农作物的某些自然灾害和用地与养地的矛盾,使一些地区的改制未能收到应有的效果。 根据我国南方各地的气候特点,进行种植制度的气候生态分析与区划,有利于充分利用气候资源,趋利避害,因地制宜地建立合理的种植制度,这对促进南方农业生产的发展具有重要的意义。 Over the years, the reform of the planting system of rice in southern China has indeed played an important role in increasing agricultural output and has accumulated rich experience. In the process of restructuring, however, some areas went beyond the allowable scope of natural conditions and economic standards, in violation of the principle of local conditions and improper improvement of the multiple cropping index, aggravated the conflicts between certain natural disasters and land use and farmland cultivation, The restructuring failed to receive the due effect. According to the climate characteristics of the southern part of China, the analysis of the climatic ecology and the division of the planting system will be of great significance for making full use of the climate resources, seeking for advantages and avoiding the disadvantages and establishing a reasonable planting system according to the local conditions, which will promote the development of the agricultural production in the South China. .
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