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目前我国中学的普教水平,无论从讲授内容或教材的深度,广度上都是比较高的,这从历届国际中学奥林匹克竞赛成绩即可略见一斑。但由于在升学考试多侧重于理论及解题的导向下,因而中学对能力培养方面重视不够,而这正是我们相当多中学生,甚至大学生“高分低能”通病的原因之一。对这个问题已引起了国家教委的关注,因而决定在中学逐步普及“劳技课”,并制订了相应的教学大纲。鉴于电子小制作对经费、设备、场地等方面要求较低,制作的实用性、趣味性较强,对青少年具有很大的吸引力,容易激发他们的学习兴趣和热忱。本刊从本期起将开设“电子劳技课园地”专栏,请已开设电子劳技课的老师介绍经验,并将组织质量可靠,价格便宜的电子劳技制作套件供选用。如果这一栏目能为我国普通中学开展电子劳技课尽一点绵薄之力,也就达到了我们开设这个专栏的目的。我们期望广大中学师生关心、支持这个栏目,欢迎积极发表见解,踊跃投稿。 At present, the level of general education in secondary schools in our country is relatively high both in the depth and breadth of teaching content, which can be seen from the results of all the previous Olympic secondary schools in the world. However, due to the fact that undergraduate entrance examination focuses more on theory and problem solving, secondary education fails to attach enough importance to capacity-building. This is one of the reasons why a considerable number of middle school students and even college students are experiencing high and low scores. This issue has aroused the concern of the State Education Commission, which has decided to gradually popularize the “Technical Courses” in secondary schools and formulated the corresponding syllabus. In view of the relatively low requirements for funding, equipment, venues, etc., the production of electronic small productions has a high degree of practicality and interest and is very attractive to young people. It is easy to stimulate their interest in learning and enthusiasm. The magazine will open the “Electronic Engineering Courses” section from this issue. Please tell us about the experiences of teachers in electronic labor classes. We will organize electronic labor production kits with reliable quality and low prices for selection. If this section can do a lot of help for the general technical secondary school in our country, it will reach the purpose of opening this column. We look forward to the majority of secondary school teachers and students concerned about and support this section, welcome to actively express their views, enthusiastic submission.
正确处理新形势下的人民内部矛盾,必须建立完善的利益表达机制,把人民群众的利益诉求纳入理性合法渠道,促进社会稳定和谐。 To correctly handle the contradictions among
作者:刘骏文,江西临川人。作品见《青春美文》《青年作家》《北方文学》等。出版作品《你要相信世界没有腐朽》,新书《早安,低分贝的人》即将出版。江西省宣传部、省文联主办的青年作家班学员。系江西省作家协会会员。  前段日子,美国摇滚、民谣歌手鲍勃·迪伦获得诺贝尔文学奖,给全世界制造了一场美丽的意外。他是一个具有反叛精神的文艺青年,2004年,《滚石》杂志评选出史上最伟大的500首歌,鲍勃·迪伦的《Lik
今年五月,在俄罗斯首都莫斯科举办了“聚焦厨房与浴室博览会”(Focus Kitchen and Bath),展会在莫斯科的Gostiny Dvor中央会展广场绽放其独特的魅力,该项厨房与浴室的专业展