降耗增产 扭亏为盈

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湖南省桃江县氮肥厂自建成投产以来,多次发生亏损。今年以来,该厂深入开展“双增双节”活动,上半年实现利润81万元,一举摘掉了亏损企业帽子,提前6个月完成了全年利润计划。他们的措施是:一、抓重点,夺高产该厂原是一个三千吨型小合成氨厂,经过逐年改造,已经形成了1.5万吨的生产能力。如何发挥技改的成果,增加产量?该厂领导认为提高效益是工作的重点。他们切实加强生产管理,特别是强化生产现场调度,实行目标管理,把各项经济技术指标分解到车间,奖金直接与产量挂钩;车间对班组和个人按生产任务完成的好坏,进行第二次分配。由于任务目标层层分解,经济效益与个人利益直接挂钩,调动了职工的积极性,使日产量不断刷新纪录,月产量一月超过 Since the completion of the nitrogen fertilizer plant in Taojiang County, Hunan Province, many losses occurred. Since the beginning of this year, the plant has conducted in-depth “double-increasing and double-segmented” activities. In the first half of the year, it realized a profit of 810,000 yuan. It has removed the hats of loss-making companies at one stroke and completed its annual profit plan six months in advance. Their measures are: First, focus on key projects and win high yields The plant was originally a 3,000-ton small-sized synthetic ammonia plant. After year-round transformation, it has formed a production capacity of 15,000 tons. How to make full use of the results of technical reforms and increase production? Leaders of the plant believe that improving efficiency is the focus of work. They earnestly strengthened production management, especially intensified production site scheduling, implemented goal management, and decomposed various economic and technical indicators into workshops. Bonuses were directly linked to production; workshops to the team and individuals were performed for the second time according to the completion of production tasks. distribution. Due to the decomposition of mission objectives, economic benefits are directly linked to individual interests, mobilizing the enthusiasm of employees, and constantly refreshing daily production. The monthly output exceeded in January.
据《光明日报》1985年1月15日报载:为帮助湖南株州冶炼厂和株州化工厂治理废气,湖南省系统工程学会理事长、国防科技大学系统工程专家汪浩教授带领咨询小组深入 According
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