Tailoring morphology and bulk density of magnesium ethoxide particles by adding n-hexane and silicon

来源 :颗粒学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzzwj
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In this work,we used the inert substances silicone oil and n-hexane to modulate the solvent environment,and in so doing tailor the preparation of magnesium ethoxide(Mg(OEt)2)particles.We found the follow-ing:(1)nonpolar n-hexane mainly modulates the polarity of the solvent to control the precipitation rate and size of the Mg(OEt)2 seeds,thereby triggering accelerated nucleation to form small primary particles;and(2)silicone oil(relatively high polarity and viscosity)facilitates the growth and agglomeration stage,to improve inter-particle dispersion and obtain relatively uniform Mg(OEt)2 particles.We summarized these findings in a common mechanism for preparing Mg(OEt)2 particles with uniform morphology,small size,and high bulk density as per the synergistic effect of n-hexane and silicone oil.The ratios of silicone oil and n-hexane are flexible,and afford various regular and well-dispersed Mg(OEt)2 particles that are 5-30 μm in size and 0.2-0.7 g/cm3 in bulk density.The nanoparticles thus have the potential to serve in diverse applications such as catalysis.
“这是我最初得到的父爱”    1925年的农历正月初六,郁黎民出生于浙江富阳城满舟弄一号院,她是郁达夫与原配夫人孙荃所生的第一个女儿。  郁黎民出生的时候,孙荃患有疟疾,无法母乳喂养孩子,小黎民日夜嗷嗷大哭。当时郁家是大户人家,上有太祖母,下有三房媳妇,由奶奶当家。奶奶治家严厉,不允许媳妇请奶娘带孩子。万般无奈下,孙荃把小黎民寄养在一个奶娘家里,但是奶娘也有好几个孩子,无法对小黎民有更多的照顾。
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