Analysis of an Improved RFID Authentication Protocol

来源 :微计算机信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaxianfeiaini
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The wireless transmission characteristics of RFID system is vulnerable to be attacked and theft within communication,to people adopt the physical methods and authentication encryption methods to enhance system security,authentication encryption methods is more useful due to its simple design.In this paper,we analysis of security vulnerabilities exist in the commonly used authentication protocol based on Hash function,on this basis bring forward a modified protocol.Through compare them in security,data storage condition and complexity of the algorithm,it can prove that the improved protocol has a very good improvement for RFID system’s overall performance,particularly in security. The wireless transmission characteristics of RFID systems is vulnerable to be attacked and theft within communication, to people adopt the physical methods and authentication encryption methods to enhance system security, authentication encryption methods is more useful due to its simple design. In this paper, we analysis of security vulnerabilities exist in the commonly used authentication protocol based on Hash function, on this basis bring forward a modified protocol.Through compare them in security, data storage condition and complexity of the algorithm, it can prove that the improved protocol has a very good improvement for RFID system’s overall performance, particularly in security.
Objective The aim of the present study was to determine the changes in the mRNA levels of neurotrophins and their receptors in the striatal tissue of mice treat
人类天生具有强烈的好奇心。我们对未知世界充满了疑惑,这也为各种所谓的特异功能、鬼神之说提供了生存空间。不过,随着科学的进步,特别是脑科学的发展,种种看似神秘的灵异现象背后的秘密正被逐一揭晓。  预知未来  1954年,美国一个邪教组织宣称世界末日即将来临。其头目一口咬定,当年的12月21日世界将被一场特大洪水吞噬,而她和她的信徒会在灾难来临前乘坐一艘外星飞船成功逃生。事实上,当日什么事都没发生。但
摘 要  家庭是孩子主要的成长环境,对学生的一生有很大的影响,又因为初中生正处于青春期,心理发展极不稳定,很容易随着外来思想的进入改变自己的想法。对此,初中生青春期要加强家庭教育方式的渗透,发挥家长教育的优势,引导学生身心健康发展。  【关键词】初中生;青春期;家庭教育方式  家庭教育的本质是学生心理教育,特别初中生正处于青春期的阶段,需要家长给学生积极正面的引导,纠正初中生的错误心理,让其形成正
【摘要】伴随着我国社会的迅速发展和家庭结构关系的变化,工作、生活上的压力越来越大,人们对于健康的理解不再是身体上的健康了,更多的是心理上的健康,现在当今社会上大家最为关注的则是流动儿童心理健康的问题。家庭是儿童对于社会接触的首要场所,那么家庭关系(夫妻关系、亲子关系)对流动儿童心理健康的影响也是起着关键性的作用。本文将通过家庭关系来探析流动儿童的心理健康。  【关键词】家庭关系 流动儿童 心理健康