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随着大面积杉木人工林的发展,杉梢小卷蛾(Polychrosis CuninGhamiacola Spnov)危害日趋严重,影响杉木的正常生长和成材。为摸索杉梢小卷蛾的发生发展规律和防治措施,由地区林科所、余干县农垦局、北寨林管区、余干县林科所、李枚岭林场组成了科研协作组,在余干县峡山林场开展了试验研究。这项工作得到了中国科学院北京动物研究所昆虫分类室和江西共大总校有关同志的具体指导。现将一年来的工作情况小结如下。杉梢小卷蛾属鳞翅目,卷蛾科,小卷蛾亚科。幼虫蛀入杉树主、侧嫩梢危害,使杉树梢 With the development of large-area Chinese fir plantation, the damage of Polychrosis Cunin Ghamiacola Spnov is becoming more and more serious, which affects the normal growth and development of Chinese fir. In order to explore the occurrence and development of the snakehead moth and its prevention and control measures, a research team was formed by the Research Institute of Forestry, Yugan County Reclamation Bureau, Beizhai Forest Management District, Yugan Forest Branch and Li Mianling Forest Farm, County Xiashan Forest Farm pilot study. This work has been the Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing Institute of Zoology insect classification room and Jiangxi Communist Youth League comrades specific guidance. The work of the past year are summarized below. Lespedezae larvae Lepidoptera, Tortricidae, Tridacna subfamily. Larvae moth into the main cedar, side shoots endanger the cedar treetops
自1963年我县棉尖象Phytoscaphus gos-sypii Chao突然大量发生,现已成了棉花蕾铃期的主要害虫。从1964年起,我们对棉尖象的发生规律及生活习性系统地进行了观察,并对测报和
竹后刺长蝽(Pirkimerus japonicus Hid-aka)属半翅目、长蝽科,是一种危害毛竹竹材的重要害虫。据目前所知,竹后刺长蝽分布在日本和我国南部。据调查,仙居县受竹后刺长蝽危害
Objective To construct transgenic vectors of mouse DSP.Methods To construct pcDNA3.1 CX by substituting CMV promoter of pcDNA3.1 with promoter cβ actin,and e
松毛虫是河北省的主要森林害虫,初步调查有赤松毛虫(Dendrolimus SpectabisButler)、油松毛虫(D.tabulaeformis Tsai et Jiu)和落叶松毛虫(D.SuperansButler)。由于松毛虫繁
Summary: To investigate the effects of time interval and cumulative dosage of repetitive mild cellular hypoxia on shape of neurodegeneration and neuroprotection